No Hablo Español

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Third Person POV:

The group got onto the quinjet, and everyone sat down. Clint and Natasha went to the cockpit and set the course to the tower, before turning on autopilot, and conversing with each other quietly.

The others–plus Alex–had gotten comfortable in their seats and were waiting patiently for Alex to explain the full story of how he got to SHIELD.

They, of course, also wanted to know about Alex himself. His powers, past, family… All the things that made him…him. They only knew his name and that he ran at inhuman speeds. (and that he's lied to them multiple times, but they try to ignore that.) Bruce especially, was looking forward to finding out how that worked.

Alex didn’t know how to start– or, more of where to start. So, he was waiting for someone to speak up, or ask him a question that would eventually lead to the rest.

Bucky, noticing Alex’s hesitance, decided to be the first to speak up. It surprised the others, because he was normally rather reticent, and closed off.

“Why did Coulson bring you in?” He asked. Sam and Clint had filled them in on the little they knew about the situation.

“Do you want the full story, or a shortened version?” Alex replied. He was cracking his fingers absentmindedly, not knowing what to do with his hands. He wished he had a rubix cube to play
with. He was great at solving them.

“Full,” Steve responded simply.

“Okay…” Alex sighed, sitting up straighter in his seat. Although he loved telling stories, he wasn’t the best at phrasing things, or getting to the point.

By now, Clint and Natasha had stopped talking, and turned their seats around to listen to Alex.

“I left Annie’s diner–y’know, the one I live above– at around noon, and went to this forest–well I obviously ran, because it’s like miles away, and you can’t get a car through there. Anyway, I got to this- my shed, and went inside. I must’ve fallen asleep, cause I woke up to agents nearby.” Alex kept correcting himself, and the others found it amusing. “They asked me what I was doing. I asked them what they were doing…blah blah blah.” Alex uttered boredly.

He was now looking at the ceiling, just as he did when they first met. Again, memorizing the pattern of the material.

“Some guy slipped up, said they were SHIELD agents. Someone else snitched on him to Coulson–who I’m assuming is their boss…or something. Coulson brought me in, told me to sign this paper, or join, and be an agent myself. I declined both. He left. You guys came. Boom! Now we're here." Alex finished.

“That’s it?” Clint asked. He was expecting Alex to say that he blew something up, or he got caught running around, fast as hell. Not something borderline…boring.

“Okay, maybe I did shorten it a little bit–sorry Captain–but there’s really not much else to it.” He said, shrugging.

“You weren’t doing anything else in that shed?” Tony asked.

“Whoa whoa whoa!” Alex said loudly, laughing at how Tony’s question sounded out of context. “I didn’t bring any girls with me, if that’s what you’re thinking." Alex chuckled.

“You know what I meant,” Tony rolled his eyes at the boy’s antics, albeit, chuckling a little.

“No, I wasn’t doing anything else in the shed.” Alex replied, more serious this time. “You got any other questions?” Alex asked. He didn’t like awkward silence, so he spoke up to try and prevent it.

“We’re about to land, but we can keep talking inside the tower.” Clint informed them all, turning his seat back around to take control of the quinjet. Alex nodded, buckling his seatbelt back up.

They landed smoothly, and began exiting into the tower. Alex waited for them all to get off before trailing behind them. He wasn’t planning on running away or anything, he just didn’t know his
way around.

Not that he could anyway. They were hundreds of feet in the air, and he’d rather not break one of his only forms of transportation by jumping.

They got down to the common room, and Steve and Wanda went to the kitchen to start making dinner. The rest settled on the many couches and chairs in the living room.

Alex sat at the end of one of the couches, closest to the elevator. Natasha sat in a chair to his right, and Bucky was also on the couch, to his left.

Steve was cutting vegetables on the island, when Wanda walked over to the group in the living room.

“Hey, is Alex going to be staying for dinner?” She asked casually. She made it seem like she was wondering how much food her and Steve should make. But, really, she just wanted to know if they were inviting Alex into the tower for an interrogation, or as a friend.

Everyone looked to Tony for an answer, because they all agreed that it was, technically, his tower.

Before he could answer, Alex spoke up. “I can’t stay for long. I have to help Masen with his Spanish.”

“We’ve been looking for you for months now, you can’t just leave.” Tony said. He didn’t mean it in a threatening way, but by the look on Alex’s face; it definitely came off that way. But as soon as the look met his face, it was gone in a second.

“I’ll come back tomorrow, I just have stuff to do tonight.” Alex replied coolly. He didn’t want them to think he was going to run away…again. He wanted them to trust him.

“How do we know you won’t just run and not come back?” Clint asked this time.

“I promised Masen I would help him with his homework, and I’m not gonna bail on him. You guys know where his grandma’s diner is now, so you know where I’ll be.” Alex explained in a more serious tone.

He stood up from his seat on the couch, glancing at all of them individually. His phone started ringing in his pants pocket. He pulled it out to see the caller ID: ‘no hablo español’

He smiled slightly at the nickname Masen gave himself when putting his contact into Alex’s phone. He looked up at the Avengers sitting around him.

“Speak of the devil,” He laughed, waving his phone in the air. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” He waved goodbye while walking backwards towards the elevator, before they could ask anymore questions about him.

Alex pressed the button for the lobby of the tower, while answering the call.

All the Avengers could hear yelling coming from the speaker of the phone, so loud that Alex had to pull it away from his face.

“Zach! Where are you?! I have to write a whole conversation by midnight or Señora McGhee will put my head on a spike on the school lawn for everyone to see!!” The yell became louder as the voice continued.

“Okay okay, I’m on my way now, Pepper Spray. Be there in a–” Alex’s voice was cut off as the doors to the elevator shut, causing a silence to overcome the room of Avengers.

“Pepper spray?”


(1210 words)

(A/N) it's almost midnight and I have school tomorrow, so I kinda rushed through this whole chapter which I'm kinda ashamed of cause I should actually try to write good stuff, but Im too tired to care right now. I'll care tomorrow instead, and regret ever publishing this chapter altogether 👎👎but it's whatever rn... goodbyeeee


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