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Alex POV:

Okay, I have a confession to make. I haven’t actually been stranded on that boat for three years. I’m just a compulsive liar. It’s a problem, trust me, I know. Sometimes life can get boring, so I just add a little spice to it.

Normally I have no problem messing with people, but this group of weirdos were very serious in the questions they’ve asked me. To be honest it kinda feels like I’m being interrogated.

They’ve also been pretty nice to me. I was ready in case I had to fight them when I first interacted with them.

I haven’t even been on that boat for more than a week, but I really didn’t wanna have to explain that to the Avengers. Yes, I do know who they are. Frankly, I know almost everything about them. From Clint’s secret family, to where Bruce was when he ran away.

I’m trying to learn how to tell the truth more, so I’m gonna man up this time and do it.

Third Person POV:

When Alex finally spoke up again, the Avengers thought he was going to tell the story that ended with him stuck on a boat for years. Instead, what came out of his mouth was: “I lied.”

They weren’t even taken aback by his response; just confused on what he had lied about.

Natasha, being the most assertive out of their group, asked, “What do you mean?”

Alex kept eye contact with her, because although he was nervous, he is very confident. “I lied. I wasn’t stuck there for three years. To be honest, I wasn’t even stuck at all.” He responded, making eye contact with each of the Avengers individually.

Alex expected them to be mad, and maybe even yell at him. Most people did when he told them he’d just completely lied, straight to their face. He expected wrong. The biggest reaction he got out of any of them was Tony chuckling a little bit. The rest of them just looked a little bit more confused.

“How long have you actually been out here then?” Tony asked.

“Probably around four days.” Alex answered boredly. Leaning back against his seat and tilting his head upwards, admiring the fine details of the ceiling.

Already knowing what someone was gonna ask next, he said, “I found that boat, and since I hadn’t been on one in a while, decided to try it out. It’s pretty fun, so I stayed on it for a couple days. The cry for help painted on top, was from the previous owner I guess. Didn't work out for 'im I don't think." He ended with a smirk on his face.

“Wait, where do you live?” Tony asked.

“In New York City. I can see your guys’ tower from my apartment.” He replied.

“So you do know who we are,” Steve said.

“Yeah, it’s kinda hard not to. I mean, I live above this lady’s coffee shop, and she sells almost anything you can think of with your faces on it.” He said, grimacing at the thought of the weird merchandise. “It really freaks me out, so I try to ignore it most of the time. But I can’t complain, cause she lets me live there for free. So long as I help her grandson with his Spanish homework.” He finished his ramble, though not ashamed, because he loved talking anytime he could.

“Do you want us to drop you off there then?” Tony asked.

“No no, I’ll just run.” He assured him.

“We’re landing at SHIELD, so you can either stay with us, or we’ll have someone take you home.” Natasha explained to Alex.

“I can just run from there. Trust me. I enjoy a good, long run.” Alex assured them. He was fighting the urge to show them what he could do right there and then, but held back because he wanted more room to show off.

“Suit yourself kid. Remember the offer when you're a quarter of the way through a thirty mile run, and panting like a dog.” Steve warned jokingly.

“Oh-kay” Alex laughed a little. He couldn’t wait to see the looks on their faces.

The conversation pretty much ended there. Everyone was just relaxing and in their own worlds. Alex was bouncing his knee absentmindedly, while tracing the lines on his palms. Clint was back to the pilot’s seat next to Natasha, who was filling out the mission report for Fury. Everyone else was either chatting to one another, or on their phone.

Sam disrupted the quietness by asking Clint how far they were from the SHIELD base.

“We’re just about to land right now actually, so buckle up.” Clint informed everyone. They all followed his instructions, and got ready to land.

Alex wasn’t as excited as he thought he’d be to display his abilities. He couldn’t care less really. He would run off and probably never talk to them again. Unless they found him, if they even looked for him. NYC was huge, and he hadn't given them his last name, not that it mattered much if they did know.

Clint landed the quinjet successfully, and everyone got off. They all stood on the concrete, waiting to say goodbye to Alex.

“Okay, goodbye,” Alex said quickly. He was ready to go home already. The interaction with the Avengers was fun, but he was starting to get bored.

“You’re seriously going to run back to your apartment from here?” Steve asked. He didn’t really believe the kid.

“You can probably do it. What, you don’t have faith in me?” Alex asked jokingly with a smirk on his face.

“I’m a supersoldier, and run that much every morning. Sorry if I’m a little skeptical.” Mr. America replied back with his hands in the air in defense.

“Be skeptical no more.” Alex said with a big smile on his face, before running away faster than the Avengers ever thought possible.

Their eyes couldn’t even register the speed of him. To them, he just looked like a blur.

They all stood there, stunned, mouths agape.

Sam was the first to put what they were all thinking into three simple words.

"What. The. Fuck."

(1031 words)

idk why I put a word count, I js see other ppl do it so I wanted to join the lil gang they got goin on. umm yeah I didn't like the plot that I had "planned out" cause I didn't have it planned out, and still don't 🤷‍♀️ so I steered the story a different way so it's easier to write for me cuz imma 😽😽. I hate dialogue more than anything omg if I have to write one more "he said," I'm gonna lose my shit istg 🤯🤯 anyway it's like 1 in the morning so imma try to gtb gn 💋💋

(omg im js realizing how many abbreviations and shortened words I use when Im not actually trying to write omfg 😭)

oh I also wanted to point out that I read and post on my android.....so I write (type) on my SCHOOL CHROMEBOOK for Christ's sake on a GOOGLE DOC.. and then send it to my  personal email and copy and paste it into wattpad so theres no italaization or whatever you call it because it doesn't transfer that kinda stuff when I paste it with is aggravating to say the least 😵😵 and I'm too lazy to go through and do that 😁😁

You get what you get and you don't throw a fit.

Not Fast Enough ~ Avengers Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon