Story Telling

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QOTD (quote of the day): Surround yourself with people who make you feel like you're worth everything. Rid yourself of people who make you feel worthless.

Avengers POV:

They all sat there, stunned by what Alex had just done. Although they were used to each other's powers, they were taken aback by a random kid they found in the middle of the ocean having something similar to them. Especially something like that.

"You guys saw that too, right?" Bucky asked. Being the first to break away from staring at where Alex had been just moments before. The others followed suit.

"Do we chase after him, or..." Sam asked.

Steve followed up. "No, he didn't seem hostile, or like a current threat we should be worried about. But I do think we should look for him, in case he becomes one. Let's gather more information, then we can start looking."

And they did just that. least they tried.

TIME SKIPPPP- brought to you by my chipped nail polish 😝

The Avengers had tried their best to find Alexander. It had been 4 months since they had first met him in the middle of the Atlantic. With all of the resources and smarts they had access to, you would think they'd have by now. But that wasn't the case at all.

They didn't know his last name, or were even sure if Alexander was his real name in the first place. They scanned his face for legal documents; like a driver's license or school ID, maybe even mugshots; but came back with nothing. Tony had FRIDAY constantly scanning security cameras around New York, but every time they found him, he'd disappear moments later.

They had started to give up hope; it's not like they could broadcast his face across America, because that would make Alex run away. Literally.

Tony POV:

I was getting sick of coming up empty every time we got close to finding this kid. I think the others were too. It's not even the fact that he has powers that has drawn me to him. He's pretty funny, and that's a lot coming from me. He could be very useful to our team.

Relations have been a little strained between the team ever since the somewhat of a civil war we had had a little over a year ago. Don't get me wrong, me and Steve have gotten close again, but it's been a little tense between Bucky and I. I have forgiven him for the most part, and apologized for the things I said and did. But I feel Alex could bring us all together again.

I don't think hunting him down like bloodhounds is going to help though. I think if he somehow is meant to be on our team, then he'll find his way, but I'm done looking.

I explained this to the rest of the Avengers; well, the last part, not about bringing the team back together again. They agreed with me and we decided to have FRIDAY inform us of any major events involving him, but otherwise leaving him alone.

2 week time skip- brought to you by my non-existent spotify premium #fuckads

Bucky POV:

It was about four in the morning when I'd woken myself up from a nightmare, and around five when I decided to get up. Steve was on his morning run already with Sam. Everyone else slept until at least 9 am.

I got up and decided to go grab a coffee and maybe some breakfast. I got dressed and left the tower. The air isn't very good in the city, but the weather is pretty nice right now. It's not too cold and definitely not hot.

I saw this coffee shop and decided this was where I'd stop. As soon as I opened the door I heard a bell ring above my head, indicating to the people inside that I had entered. I've never liked those, because they seem very obnoxious, and are very loud.

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