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Alexander POV- Notebook entry:

The waves crash as the sunlight bears down on me with no remorse. The occasional creak of
the warn boat.

I haven't talked to anyone for ages. My brain is my only entertainment. That and the ipod that I'm surprised hasn't fallen apart yet. Although, I've grown quite sick of the constantly repeated

There Isn't much room to run. Oh how I miss being able to run anywhere. I can run, just not as fast as I usually do. Because I'm too malnourished. There was a lot of food here when I first arrived, and I had to use it sparingly. I'm about to run out. I try not to dwell on the "inevitable", so

Normally I'd be able to glide across the water lickity split. But my body has become too weak to get up to speed. Trust me I've tried.

The rock of the boat used to make me seasick, but I've grown to barely notice it at this point.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm excited for when someone finds me, or atleast I find a way off this torture raft. Because this is going to be a sick story to tell.

Most people would've lost hope by now, but my sister has taught me differently. Oh how I miss her.

I can't wait to tell her all about the different sea creatures I've seen. Especially the whales. She loves whales.

I wonder if she's still looking for me.

Alexander POV:

I stand up from my seat at the front of the boat. The sun has risen by now so there's nothing interesting to watch there anymore.

Putting my notebook on the seat, I debate listening to music for the millionth time. But I have a small headache forming right between my eyes, so I decide against it.

I made the decision to go into the captain's room. (I'm not a boat expert so I just made up names for everything while I've been here).

I haven't moved the wheel since I've gotten here, because I don't want to get stuck in circles. That seemed like the most logical thing to do. But I don't think it matters much anymore. I look up through the window facing the front. There's a plane-looking thing about to fly over me. My instincts tell me to wave like a madman to try and find help from it. And I used to, at every one that passed even remotely close. But
there's no use.

I even found paint in a storage bin and painted on top of the boat in giant letters: "HELP". But I don't think the pilots or passengers are looking down enough to see that.

This plane looks different though. Normally they're white and tube shaped. This one is black-ish
gray, and wider.

Maybe they're just more advanced now?

Avenger's POV:

The Avengers had just gotten done with a mission in Germany, taking down some wannabe Hydra base. It was a pretty easy mission, unlike taking down aliens, and mass murderers.

They were on their way back to Avengers tower. Formerly known as Stark tower, before the incident with Loki.

Natasha and Clint were in the front cabin. Clint in the pilot seat, and Natasha in the co-pilot seat.

Clint was watching the sky, and Natasha the ocean water below. Clint was rambling on about
something archery related, when Natasha interrupted him.

"Clint, do you see that?" She asked.

"See what," He replied, shifting his focus to where Natasha seemed to be looking.

He called for Tony. Tony walked into the cabin, still clad in his Iron Man suit.

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