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QOTD: "If only I could pay the bills with my love for you. We'd be the richest in the fuckin' room" -All Mine by Brent Faiyaz

Alex POV:

I could tell Natasha and Bucky were being cautious of my feelings. They kept tiptoeing over certain subjects. Especially when I mentioned my sister. I mean, damn, I thought they were trained to not show emotions.

I couldn't handle how weird they were being, so I told them I had to leave. As if they couldn't prove my point any further, they didn't even notice when I said the sun would set soon. It wasn't even noon yet.

I grabbed a bag and gave a brief goodbye. I climbed up a fire escape onto the apartment building across the street, watching as they left Annie's a couple minutes later. I walked across the tops of the buildings, following them and watching their body language.

It wasn't until they were about a block away from the Avengers' tower, that Bucky stopped his pace. He had just checked his watch, so I assumed he realized my lie. I chuckled to myself at
the look on his face, before climbing down the side of the fire escape.

I got far enough from the busy city before running into a forest miles away from any civilization. In the center of the forest is a small shed-looking structure that I built when I first escaped Zobra. I have many memories of this place. Most aren't very good, but there are some that I think fondly of.

Like when a mama deer approached my shed, because she wanted some of the mulberries that were growing up the side of the wood planks. Just as she took a bite, I walked out the door, to go on a run. We both froze when we saw each other, but her fawn came running on wobbly legs toward me. She got defensive and ran toward me angrily, trying to bite me. I responded
accordingly, and ran away, but hit my face directly into a gigantic oak tree. They both got scared and ran away. Back then, I was still learning how to use my powers.

I walk into the shed and drop my bag on the ground. I sit with my legs sprawled out in front of me, leaning against the wall. I lean my head back a little too hard into the wall, causing me to curse and rub the back of it with my hand.

I grab my headphones out of my bag and connect them to my phone. I put them on and open Spotify. Hitting play, I lean my head back-gently this time. I contemplate going back to sleep, and my mind answers for me, by drifting off.


I wake up to heavy footsteps coming from outside. My headphones must've fallen off in my slumber. It's brighter than when I fell asleep, so I assume It's the next morning-or even day. I jump straight up once I realize there are people approaching and I need to get the fuck outta here before they realize someone is out here. I don't think they've noticed the clearing yet which is good. It's probably just hikers or hunters who've gotten lost.

Although, I am quite a ways into this forest. It probably would've taken them hours to get out here. I kinda feel bad for them, but then I come to my senses and realize: I couldn't care less.

I peek out the teeny tiny window that took me hours to cut into a lopsided square. I see what looks to be agents? They have black uniforms and are carrying very large guns. I don't have
time to run, because they'll see and hear me.

They're talking quietly to each other, when one of them spots my poorly built structure in the middle of the clearing they just walked into. He stops the others by putting a hand up. I see him point to me in the window. The other agents pull out their guns and load them. At this moment, I realize how screwed I truly am.

I immediately drop down to the floor just in case they decide to start shooting blindly. I scramble across the floor and grab a knife from my bag. Don't ask why I have one in there, I was just being prepared. And, hey, it worked.

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