Ch 0.17 Hard Work Doesn't Always Pay Off

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Asami scribbled frantically with her pencil, signing off on papers one by one. She heard the door creak open, but chose to ignore it. Slowly, quiet footsteps tiptoed to her desk. In the back of her mind, Asami wanted to scold the intruder. It would be no good, though. The person slowly pushed away her nameplate and other materials to the side. The intruder then slid onto the desk on her back and popped her face in front of Asami's.

Asami sighed. "Hello, Korra."

The Avatar smiled. "Hi, Asami."

"What do you want this time?"

"You know what I want!" Korra announced, hopping off of her back, yet still sitting on top of the papers. "You're working too much again, and I'm here to sweep you off of your feet!"

Asami couldn't help but to chuckle at her girlfriend's display. Then she lean back into her seat and crossed her arms. "And just how are you going to do that?"

Korra paused, then looked down at herself, realizing she hadn't brought food or pro-bending tickets, which were the usual things that distracted Asami from her work. Then the Avatar smiled and flexed her arms proudly. She smirked and rose a brow comically at the CEO.

At this point, Asami couldn't help but to laugh out loud. "Sweetie, I really do appreciate the thought, but I can't leave work just yet. I'm on a tight schedule this week before the new exhibition."

Korra frowned and immediately dropped her arms. Asami stood up and grabbed her by the chin before planting a soft kiss on her cheek. "I promise I'll try to be home at a decent time this evening, though, just for you." She whispered in her ear.

Korra instantly turned red and Asami knew she had achieved what she wanted. The CEO then walked around the desk and proceeded towards the exit.

"H-Hey, where are you going?" Korra asked, still quite red.

Asami turned and smirked at her. "I'm headed to the factory. I've gotten reports that are showing less productivity, so I'm going to go check it out myself."

Korra's redness was slowly letting up. "Can I come with you?" She asked, hopping off of the desk.

Asami rose a brow. "You want to come with me to do work?" Korra nodded. Asami sighed. "Okay, but no funny business."

Korra smiled. "Promise."

Korra scanned the factory in awe. Pipes went from wall to wall above them. Conveyer belts rolled from room to room. Workers hurried to apply parts to the objects rolling past them. Every time she came here, it appalled her that her girlfriend helped create all of this. She almost walked into her girlfriend when she stopped to talk to the lead engineer. She quietly listened to their conversation about the piping being a problem recently.

Asami frowned at the mention of the pipes. It was one of the main sources that provided fuel to the machinery.

"I think it's a leak, but I didn't want to proceed until you knew about it at least." The engineer explained politely.

Asami nodded. "Thank you. You did the right thing. Let's go have a look." The CEO then turned to her girlfriend. "Can you wait here for a minute, Kor? I'm just gonna go check out a few things in the back."

Korra nodded mindlessly as she glanced around. She didn't quite understand the math and science behind all of the machinery, but she tried to learn sometimes. It always surprised Asami when Korra actually understood something about what she was talking about.

A few of the friendlier workers greeted the Avatar, who happily waved in return. She wandered over to where one man was screwing bolts into some piping on the wall. "So do you know what's going on with the piping?"

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