Ch 0.3 Valentine's Day Rush

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The new Chief dashed down the street, hurrying to the estate before the sun set. Her metal boots screeched on the pavement as she rounded a corner. Her shift had just ended, but her wife usually expected her within a few hours of it ending. She glanced at the sun. She guessed she had about three or four hours until it grew dark out. She groaned and pushed herself harder to get back to her old home.

Asami stood in her purple robe in the kitchen while she made herself a cup of coffee after a long day at work. All of a sudden, there was quick rapping at the front door. She sighed, setting her hot drink down, and went to the door. She rose a brow when she saw her guest. “Riko? What are you doing here?”

Riko gasped for breath, placing her hands on her knees. “Is…Korra…here?!”

Asami sighed in exasperation and laid a hand to her head. “You really are Korra’s child. I don’t know how in the world you two are so much alike.”

Riko looked up, raising a brow of her own. “What…are you?”

“Korra’s in town, doing some ‘shopping.’ If you hurry you might be able to catch her so she can ‘help’ you.”

It took a minute for Riko to catch on and she took off running again. “Thanks mom!”

Asami sighed again as she closed the door. She retrieved her coffee and sat in front of the fireplace. “Only my family could forget Valentine’s Day until the last second.” Her sigh turned into a giggle as she thought about how happy they made her still.

Riko weaved through the crowd of vendors trying to sell the last of their holiday goods. Korra had to be around here somewhere. She growled when she couldn’t find her after ten minutes. Just then, a hand landed on her shoulder. She whipped around and a great smile made its way onto her face. “Mom! I’ve been looking for you.”

“Did you come straight from work?” Korra asked, noticing the metalbending gear.

“Ah? Uh yeah actually. I need your help.”

“I need your help too badgermole.”

“I need to find a gift for Karina/Asami!” They screamed at the same time. They blinked, then Korra yanked her into another store. “C’mon Chief! Let’s start looking!” Riko smiled, feeling like she was on another adventure with Korra again.

Karina looked through the kitchen window, noticing the setting sun. Where was Riko? She knew it was Valentine’s Day, so why was she running so late? The waterbender continued cooking the Chief’s favorite meal as a way to celebrate the occasion.


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