Ch 0.38 Trapped Part 4 (Finale)

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A month had gone by since Catra's disappearance. Most of the orphans and staff had forgotten about her, or at least acted like she had never been there. On the other hand, it was all Adora could even think about. She wanted to go out and find her, but then she remembered their last conversation. Catra didn't want her to follow her, didn't want her to risk her own future.

Riko couldn't help but to think about Catra as well. She didn't know what her plans were, but she certainly hadn't expected for Catra to be gone this long, at least not without telling someone.

Riko sighed as she thought. The kids were walking to school like normal. She had gotten used to her new roommate and started letting her walk to school with her and Kohaku. The three of them were chatting about homework when Riko noticed something as they passed an alley. A shadow dashed behind some trash.

"You two keep going, I'll catch up." Riko said and wandered into the alley.

Her friends shrugged and continued forward. They trusted Riko knew what she was doing. Riko cautiously looked around. "Hello?"

A rustle was heard, and suddenly someone stepped out from behind a dumpster.


"Heh, the one and only." Catra said with a smirk, then frowned. "Listen, I'm only here to warn you."

"Warn me? About what? You know people are worried about you?!" Riko yelled. She started to notice the lean muscle Catra had built up in the past month.

"Tch, whatever, listen! You need to get out of there by tonight." Catra said.

Riko loosened up and listened carefully. "Why? What's going to happen?"

Catra crossed her arms. "Like I'm going to tell you. I don't want you involved in this, but I'm going to fix things."

Riko started having suspicions but kept quiet about them. "I'm not abandoning those kids. They need me. If something is going to happen, then I'm staying."

"You're so stubborn. At least tell Adora to leave." Catra said, starting to turn away from her.

Riko blinked, then smiled. "I'll tell her but we both know she won't listen to that."

Catra watched as Riko turned to walk about. "Just be careful."

Riko glanced over her shoulder. "You too."

Riko tried to get through her day like normal, but she couldn't help but to think about what Catra had planned.

As the kids were returning from school, Riko saw Adora. "Adora!"

The girl stopped and let the girl run up to her. "Hey, I got to tell you something!" Then she leaned in close so only she could hear. "You need to get out of the orphanage tonight."

Adora's brows furrowed. "What does that mean?"

Riko smirked and dashed inside with her friends. "Don't ask me, I'm just passing on the message."

Adora stood there for a minute trying figure out what that meant. 'Passing on the message... Catra!'

"Riko, wait up!" 

Korra read the paper over and over again. She had been finishing paperwork in her office when an officer knocked and delivered an envelope. She thought nothing over it until she opened it and saw documents from the orphanage. She flipped the manila envelope over, looking for a return address or something to indicate who sent it, but found none. Someone had hand-delivered it.

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