The Sato Legacy...

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Ring ring! Riko groggily woke up, barely opening her eyes. She casually reached over her wife and picked up the phone. Sometimes she wondered why phones were allowed to work so early in the morning. "Hey kid, where's that report?" Lin asked over the phone.

Riko sat straight up in bed. "Ummmm, I have it! I ummm, just need toooo-"

"I don't want to hear it Riko. Just have it on my desk by the end of the day." Click! Riko blinked, then sighed and flopped back down onto the bed.

"Get up, sweetie." Karina groaned at her.

"Noooo, I don't wannaaaaa..." Riko groaned back, pulling the blanket above her head. Karina sighed loudly and sat up before yanking the blanket off of her head.

"You have to get up. I heard Lin on the phone and you have to get her that report today. You know what happened last time you were late with a report." Karina said.

Riko cringed at the memory. "Alright, alright, I'll get up." Riko sat on the edge of the bed but didn't get up. Karina sighed and moved over to push her off of the bed. Riko smiled and dropped her weight on her.

"Ugh, Riko! C'mon! You're almost done the report! You just have to deliver it!" Karina urged.

Riko laughed as Karina tried to push her dead weight off of her. She abruptly sat up, making Karina fall back onto the bed. "Fine, I'm getting ready."

Riko had just finished cleaning up and putting on her uniform when she froze in the middle of the room. Karina poked her head out from the covers. "Sweetie, is something wrong?"

Sweat began to roll down Riko's cheek. "Ummm, I forgot where I put the papers."

Karina jumped back out of bed. "Riko!"

"I'm sorry! Don't get out of bed! I'll find it!" Riko urged, waving her arms frantically.

"No because I don't want Lin to beat the shit out of you for losing another report." Karina replied, running to the bathroom to get ready.

Riko groaned and ran out to her office in the apartment. She shuffled through the papers for several minutes and still couldn't find it. Karina eventually joined her in the office and helped scan the stacks of papers for her report.

"Ugh, it's not here! Maybe I left it at mom's!" Riko exclaimed, running out of the room. Karina continued looking through the desk even after Riko left. After a few more minutes, the waterbender gave up. She decided to venture into the kitchen to make breakfast. She rounded the corner and blinked in shock. She then sighed and smacked her forehead. "Oh, Rikoooo..." She then grabbed something off of the counter and ran out the door.

Asami opened the front door and blinked when her eldest daughter ran through the door. "Riko?"

The Waterbender's Love and the Mechanic's Passion (Korrasami fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن