Epilogue - Flash Forward: 1958, New Orleans

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I about lost my mind when I found out that the annual teacher's conference for the city of Memphis would be held in New Orleans, the very city that I knew Elvis was in at this moment. I missed that guy so much, more than I could say. We said our final goodbyes in 1956 after he was told that he couldn't be in a relationship as he traveled from city to city, performing for hundreds or thousands of people all over the country. Of course, we wrote and called each other, but once he got working on his first film, it all dwindled away. There wasn't a word spoken or written since. Plus, I was busy being a teacher for rowdy teenagers, and... Elvis had another girl.

My heart never ceased pounding in excitement as I sat on the plane to New Orleans. I didn't even know where I could find him. I just knew that he would be somewhere in the city. I read somewhere that they were filming in the French Quarter, so maybe I would look there first when I wasn't in the conference. It would last three days, with eight hours of each day sitting in a desk or at a table in workshops or lectures. Joy. Now we could feel what our students feel on a daily basis.

"Deena, should I even go look for him? He's busy with his movie, and he has a girlfriend. A serious one—Anita Wood."

I was in my hotel room, sitting on the edge of the bed with the phone against my ear. My best friend and sister said, "Anita shmanita. Elvis has been in love with you since the first day of his senior year of high school five years ago, and you two were a serious item before he shot into fame. You guys still were after his first hit came out two years later."

"I know, I just... Plus, he's going into the army right after the filming is through for King Creole."

"All the more reason to find him and tell him, regardless of everything, that you still love him. He's still that kid from before, just... much more famous. And more handsome."

I blew air out of my mouth. "Golly... You're lucky your guy didn't suddenly become an instant star. Maybe I shouldn't have told Elvis to go to Sun Records. That's what started it all."

Deena and Joshua became really serious in '53, and they got engaged in July and married the next Christmas. Deena now had a three-year-old daughter with another little one on the way. She said, "He told you he was already thinking about it before you even mentioned it. He would've become famous without your encouragement. Plus, I think he wanted to prove you wrong. He's always wanted to do that, ever since you told him he couldn't sing. Maybe this is karma. You said that to him, and then he becomes a famous singer. I really hope this one's as great as Jailhouse Rock."

"You're not helping, Deena. I'm just so, so nervous. He has no idea I'm here."

"And you're going to knock his socks off. Just go out and look for him after your conference tomorrow. Just follow the crowds. When you see them, you know that Elvis is around."

Indeed. Whenever he came back to Memphis, people hounded the gates of Graceland. Boy, was I happy that Elvis could buy that place for his family. I had never been in there since our relationship ended the year before he bought it, and I was always hesitant to go and wait at the gates like all those other girls. No one knew that he had a relationship with his teacher. People just thought I was another girlfriend.

"Okay, I'll do my best," I said, twirling the phone chord with my fingers. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"You better! I want you to describe in detail the look on his face when he sees you."

I laughed. "Okay. Love you, Deena. Rest up. This pregnancy is worse than your last one."

"I'll be fine," she droned. "Focus on getting your man back."

"My man, seriously... Goodbye, Deena."

We hung up, and my heart started pounding again. It was most likely that I wouldn't see Elvis while here in New Orleans. He became so famous, it was hard to get near him for anyone, aside for the people who personally knew him. I personally knew him, just a few years ago.

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