Chapter 21 - Graduation... and the Volcano Erupts

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The day to the start of the senior presentations arrived, and we  spent all of the class periods for a week giving those presentations. The poor music students had two to present, but thankfully, I chose to have my students perform theirs before their main senior projects in their other classes.

When all the presentations were through, my class had a little in-class party, mainly since it was the senior's last day of school. I had to get permission from the other teachers to let their music seniors during first period come to this little party. There were balloons, cake, confetti, party hats, music, both live and on a record, and gleeful eighteen-year-olds having a blast. I mainly couldn't keep my gaze off of one of them. Only a week to go, and it was killing me.

Someone came into the room mid-party, and I looked over and smiled to see my good friend and boss Principal McNulty. "Wow, Abigail, you really know how to put on a party."

"It was them who put this on, I just provided the venue."

"Indeed. And speaking of that, I have something I would like to ask you."

"And what's that?"

"We need more hands to help set up for the graduation ceremony out in the football field. We need chairs set up, speakers, a stage and podium... The band who's playing the graduation march is already set to go, we just need some people to help out with the rest of the setup. Of course, the parents and other family members and friends will be in the stands, so no need to set up chairs for them."

I nodded. "I think I would love to help set up."

"Great. It would have to be this Saturday since the kids are doing a practice run of the graduation on Monday, and then they graduate on Wednesday. Last year, we had the set-up start at 10am, and then we would have lunch."

"I'll be there. Is it just teachers helping to set up?"

"Mostly, yes. Some of the seniors have volunteered to help. Why?" He leaned in and asked in a whisper as the teens were being rowdy in the classroom, and I was eyeing the one I was thinking about. "Are you wondering if your 'special senior' is going to help?"

I cleared my throat. "Well, I suppose you can see right through me. And, yes, I was asking that. I shouldn't go if he's going to be there. I admit that it's been so hard to stay in check."

We both glanced at him as he was talking with his friends, and he looked over at us. I quickly looked away as my boss said, "And I commend you for not getting yourself in trouble again. As far as I know, he's not one of the seniors, but you never know if he will come along with a friend."

I pressed my lips together, then, "Okay, then. I just won't help with the set-up. I'm sorry, David."

"It's alright. No matter. I'll just ask some of the other teachers. This next offer, though, I hope you don't decline." I looked away from Elvis, then at him, curious. "I would like you to be the officiator who hands the students their diplomas."

My mouth fell open. "Are you serious? Me?"

"Indeed. What do you say?"

"Would parents be okay with me doing that? There was talk after... the incident happened."

"There was, and that has blown over. Plus, I like giving the new teachers this opportunity. Most schools have their principal hand over the diplomas, but I like to be a little different. Plus, the kids love you. I think it's a great idea!"

This was unreal, after what happened this school year! "I would be honored to hand out diplomas. Thank you."

We shook hands. "You're welcome. Now, have fun with the rest of your party here. Make sure they don't knock the school over with their dancing."

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