Chapter 20 - The Boy Who Would Become King

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Hey, sorry for the delay in posting. I got hit with a nasty head cold, and I'm still recovering. Thanks, all of you, for sticking with the story! I'm anticipating one more chapter, plus an epilogue.

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The scar remained on my shoulder near the base of my neck for a few weeks, and I had to constantly cover it up. While it was being put there, that volcano almost erupted, and that was when I got the heck out of there. It wouldn't scar. Hopefully.

I was looking at in my bathroom mirror, grimacing. It bruised. We agreed that nothing should happen, and that was most definitely something, an intimate something. When I told Deena about this, of course, she squealed and was so happy for me, but then she told me to be extra careful to not let anyone see this "love bite" as she called it. I heard some people call it a "hickey." Regardless, it was a reminder that Elvis and I still had something going on.

He could be an actor with how he pretended like nothing happened. All of Monday it was like that, aside from when he would remind me of it by rubbing the back of his neck when we passed each other in the hallway.

"Yeesh, this is driving me crazy," I said under my breath as I was preparing to leave after my last class left. "High school boys are seriously very dangerous."

I left my classroom and saw Elvis down the hallway a little, talking with some boys, thankfully, not Ardy who knew our secret. He turned his head to face me, and he stared. Then... he mouthed something... I love you.

My heart jumped, and I quickly turned and walked in the other direction, knowing It would take me a couple extra minutes to get to my car. Tears stung my eyes. "I love you, too, Elvis."

When I got to my apartment, I saw a familiar rental car there. Knowing who I would meet when I got up to my apartment door, I built my courage. We needed to talk after what happened.

As I expected, he was standing right there next to the door, and he was as handsome as usual. I came up to him and said before he could say anything, "Let's go inside and talk."

He said nothing to that as we went inside, and I shut the door. He watched me as I put my folders and books on the kitchen table. How should we start this conversation? It needed to happen.

"Alright, I'm going to say something first," he said. "I'm sorry, Abby. I'm sorry for coming here, for being very possessive and jealous... for punching Elvis in the mouth..."

Elvis's excuse for that was he got into a tussle at a job of his. The split lip would heal in time. I turned around and faced a man that I loved but wanted out of my life. "I'm not going to say it's okay, since it's not."

He nodded grimly as he had his hands in his pockets. "I deserve that. But do you really think that it's going to work out with you and a teenager? He's only eighteen."

"I'm well aware of that, and... I don't know. I just know that there's something going on with us now, and it's most likely not going to end for a while." I thought of his little silent confession earlier. "We love each other. That's just how it is. Love doesn't care what your job is, your social standing, how old you are... It just happens. And that's what happened to me and Elvis. I've given my heart to him."

James walked up to me as I stood by the table, with my hands gripping the edge of it as I leaned against it. His blue eyes were sad. "You're... really serious?"

"I am."

"What happened after I left on Friday? You told me to get lost, then..."

"We went inside his apartment. His parents weren't home, thank the Lord, and we tended to the wound on his lip. The one you gave him."

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