Chapter 12 - Christmas Party, Plus Mistletoe

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The teachers started to arrive at around 6:30, and they just visited until the party actually started by Principal McNulty. The kids were out in the hallway as this was going on, and they would continue to be so until after the secret Santa revelations. I was constantly looking around for that blasted holiday plant. I didn't want to be caught under it with anyone.

Well, maybe I wanted to be caught under it with Elvis, but it wouldn't be wise to, even it was by accident.

"Miss Thatcher, I had you as a secret Santa," said Mr. Baldwin as he came up to after the welcoming words of Principal McNulty, and he was holding out a small red gift wrapped in gold ribbon. "And what do you know? You match it."

I smiled graciously at him. "Thank you so much, Mr. Baldwin."

I took it and opened it to find a very pretty beaded bracelet with purple, red and brown beads on it, and it didn't look all that cheap, especially since there was a diamond charm on it. "Oh my, it's so beautiful!"

"To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what to get you, so my wife and I went with me to get something. She chose it out, saying this is what girls like. I wouldn't know. I have three boys."

"And she's home with said boys. Tell her thank you for me and that I love it."

"I will."

We separated and went to the person I got a gift for, which was Mrs. Hewit, the nurse. I got her a broach that looked like a nurse's hat. She loved it and said that she would wear it every day. She even pinned it to her purple dress that she was wearing.

This went on for about an hour, the secret Santa exchange. I went out to the kids and saw that they were ready for serving their teachers. We were able to borrow some nice trays from that restaurant who catered for us. 

"Now, this is real food on plates, not books, so try not to topple them over," Gena told them. "I would say that some of you should do a practice run, just to be safe. And remember, don't hold more that you're able to carry. I would say one or two plates at a time, okay?"

"I think we got it, Mrs. Moffit," said Elvis. "Take a breath, okay?"

The others chuckled, as did I. "I'm sorry," she said. "I just don't want food spilt into Principal McNulty's lap."

"I'd have a good laugh," said Benny, and everyone laughed, and us teachers did as well.

"Okay, enough," I said, still chuckling. "They're waiting in there. Now, the four that are serving drinks, go ahead first and get started on that." Those kids left us, and the rest stood with Gena and me. "You all know what to do. And we know who's vegetarian, so make sure to serve them the right meal."

"I find that the lunch lady bein' vegetarian is kinda funny," said Sally. "Since she serves us meat foods all the time."

"She serves it, she doesn't eat it," said Benny. Then he winked at her, which she seemed a little taken aback by. She blushed, nonetheless, even if she liked Elvis... who never stopped staring at me since I came out of the party room.

"Okay," I said, getting them back to attention. "Let's get started. Mrs. Moffit and I will be joining the rest of the teachers at the tables, so you all are on your own. Good luck. I have faith in all of you."

Gena and I left, and we came to the same table and sat next to each other. There were ten decorated round tables around the room that seated eight to a table. We had extra people since spouses came as well. Gena's husband sat next to her. He really looked like he stepped off of a magazine cover.

The kids came in carrying trays as us teachers watched them do so, and I heard a few of them comment how classy the kids looked. This was such a great idea, theming this party like this. Even down to the soft Christmas instrumental music and gold forks, it was perfect.

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