Chapter 16 - Ain't It Crazy What Love Can Do?

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I wouldn't be a teacher anymore. The verdict wasn't out, but I knew it. My life's dream, dashed to pieces, just like Elvis thought his dream was gone.

What would come of him? Would he graduate? Just how would they punish him?

We really got ourselves into a mess, and all we did was fall in love with each other and tried our hardest not to give in, but we did anyway. It was crazy what love could do. It could make a person lose their job. It could make one elated, the happiest they ever felt. It also could make someone feel frustrated or completely broken. Right now, I felt a bit broken, and I felt like I could hardly breath. I was fine being away from James for a while, but being away from and not seeing Elvis for even a couple days since all went haywire?

It felt as if I would suffocate if I didn't see him. But I couldn't. I told him and Principal McNulty that I wouldn't, and I would say the same to Gladys. I knew she and her husband knew what happened. It was just a matter of time until Gladys called me.

Right as I thought that as I sat at my desk that hurtfully had nothing on it right now, my phone rang. My heart went speeding, thinking it was Gladys. I cleared my throat and answered it, and I let out a gasp when I found that it was James on the other end.

"Hey, how are you doing, my darling?" he asked me, and my heart dropped.

"Oh my goodness, James... my life is crumbling."

"What? What do you mean? What happened?"

It was now or never. He had to know Elvis's real identity. "I got in trouble at school. And just so you don't have to ask, I did something horrible. I was involved with a student."

He was silent for a moment, then, "Wait... what? Did I hear you correctly?"

"You did. I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would use that as fodder against me, to make me see that we should be together. And then we did get back together, and I thought of telling you, but..."

"Wait. Elvis. He's your student?!"

I knew he would be upset. "Yes, he was. I told my boss everything, so now, the school is in the process of deciding what to do with us."

"Oh my Lord, Abby..."

Tears stung my eyes. "I know! I know what I did was wrong, and I tried to stop it, but things just happened, and... I'm so sorry, James. You must think horrible things of me like I know my family and the school will."

He was silent again, and I felt my heart sinking. I twisted the curly phone chord around my finger as I waited for him to say something. He said after a literal minute, "I don't think horrible things of you, Abby. Well, maybe a bit. Going after a student..."

"I didn't go after him, we were just... things happened. We've kissed only once under the mistletoe at Christmas. Nothing else other than words and emotions." And that almost-kiss and arm grab in the hallway. "I can tell you the whole store to prove it."

"I don't want to hear it. Golly, Abby... What, I mean... What are you going to do now? You'll be fired for sure. You always wanted to teach. And what about when words gets back? Your family will understand, but other people? You're..."

"My reputation is currently swirling down the toilet, I know," I shot. "I know it, okay? I just... This is a huge mess. And I..."

"You what?"

Did I want to do this? He was the man I was currently involved with now, so I should. "I still love him, James. I love Elvis, and it hurts that he's hurting because of this, too. I ache to see him. It's not fair to you."

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