Chapter 7 - Slightly Heated Halloween Dance

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"You look amazing, Abbey!"

I was standing in front of my floor-length mirror as I had the phone hand set against the side of my face, and I was holding the set with my other hand. I was leaning on one crutch. I laughed and said, "You can't even see me, Deena."

"But you described exactly how you look. You have on head-to-toe black, with your sliming black dress, black nylons and shoes, and you have your wavy hair down. You're going to knock the socks off of those boys."

"Maybe I should paint my face green. That would deter them."

"Not Elvis. People have noticed his crush on you. It's a given now."

I really had to do something to not draw the boys in. Mainly Elvis. "I'll change into something more loose, I'll paint my face green, and I'll wear that huge witches' hat to shadow my face. The gym will be dimly lit, anyway, for a spookier feel."

"You're worrying too much. Just go as you are. You have to leave in like ten minutes, anyway."

"Then I'll get off the phone and get all that done quickly. Love you. I'll tell you all about the dance later."

"Well, alright. Bye, then. And you better tell me every detail."

We said our final goodbyes, and I chose to wear the dress, but I painted my face green and found my witches' hat, only it wasn't as bit as I remembered. Maybe since I last wore it when I was around ten. I drove to the school and could hear the band as soon as I walked into the hallway near the gym. Kids were all around, dressed up in all sorts of costumes. Some greeted me and complemented my costume that really didn't take much effort to make.

I came to the gym doors and looked inside. I was so proud of my students that they pulled all this together in a few hours. Setting it up, that is. Planning took several days. It looked spectacular in there, with the fake spiders hanging from the ceiling and tattered material hanging around. The floor decorations were something as well, and people were taking pictures with Dracula, the mummy, zombie and other life-sized scary beings.

"Miss Thatcher!"

The man had to holler over the band that was playing. The trumpets and saxophone players were really belting it out, and the drummer was going crazy. It was a fun tune, though. We had a singer, he probably was just taking a break. I turned to see Principal McNulty dressed as a pirate, with the eye patch and all.

"Hello, Principal McNulty!"

"It's One-Eyed Davies to you, lassie," he said in a fake pirate voice with a Scottish accent. "Or should I say, green-faced witch?"

I laughed. "Indeed! What do you think of the dance?"

We both looked into the gym as kids were having fun dancing, socializing and snacking. My boss said normally, "What a spectacle! You and your kids did an amazing job! If I could, I'd give you a raise because of it."

"I wouldn't mind that at all."

He laughed heartily. "You have a good time, Miss Thatcher. And don't get too crazy. I heard of your accident earlier today."

I was using my crutches begrudgingly. "It's no big deal. I'll be fine."

"Just be careful. Oh, excuse me, I see Mr. Thirston."

He left to go talk to one of the school's history teachers. I about went on into the gym when I heard from a familiar girl's voice, "Hey, Elvis! Wow, you look amazing."

I looked over and saw Sandy, who was dressed as a fairy, and she had the wings and wore a pink dress the poofed at the waist. Elvis was dressed in attire that looked like it came out of the 1770s, and he wore one of those white wigs as well. He was the complete package deal, even with the buckle shoes. He looked like he stepped out of signing the Declaration of Independance.

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