Chapter 13 - The Revelation We All Waited For

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The volcano erupted, and I had no idea what to do. I couldn't sleep at all that night, and when morning came, I stared out the window in my bedroom, gazing over the city.

I knew the rules, and I broke a huge one, one that wasn't tolerated, along with bullying. It was just as bad. My job was as good as gone if I told Principal McNulty everything. I would lose his trust, I would be fired, no school would hire me since I would be known as the teacher who went after a student, and said student would be expelled.

Both Elvis and I were doomed.

My heart was trying to beat out of me as I was getting ready for work on Monday. I had five days until I could go home and get away from all this, but I had to get through those five days first.

"Oh, boy, I feel so sick..." I moaned. I hadn't eaten breakfast because of my churning stomach. "But I have to go. It's just nerves."

Deena's voice in my head told me to stay quiet about it all, at least for now, until Elvis and I figured out what to do. He wanted us to say nothing of it, but I wasn't a liar. If I kept this hidden from the school, and it was found out somehow months later, or even years after Elvis was long gone from the school, it would sting more than if I said something right away.

"I have no idea what to do... People could suspect something from the looks at least Elvis would give me. I have to do my best to keep a straight face. Oh, and I have to tell him that he can't sing. I promised I would tell him. Golly, things are horrible right now."

Not having much choice, I left my apartment and made it to the school. I didn't see any sign of Elvis in the parking lot, just kids dinking around before school. I went on in and to my classroom where the instruments were being used as usual every morning, creating a cacophony of noises. The piano was being played as well, and it was a pleasant tune that I didn't recognize.

I had to focus on getting the kids ready for the concert, the same as the band director and other teachers who were in charge of putting it together.

The time came closer to when the bell would ring, and some kids came in and sat in their seats. I was busy writing some things on the blackboard, my back to the class. My heart was continuing to hammer as kids came in after the bell rang, and I heard Elvis's voice among them. I would have to turn around to start the class and face the student I kissed rather passionately under the mistletoe a couple days ago.

I took a breath of courage and turned around to face the class, and I intentionally didn't look at Elvis, but I knew that he was looking at me. Staring, more like. After what happened, he couldn't help it.

After starting the class and taking role, I went over what was going on this week, mainly preparation for the Christmas concert and the concert itself. The kids were prepared for it in theirs and my opinion, but we still needed to rehearse some things.

"I want everyone who is participating to practice their performances on their own and with their group at least once this week before the concert," I told them, "and that's not including the practice run-through Friday after school. Like a dress rehearsal for drama."

"We're ready for it, Miss Thatcher!" Harvey called out, and they all snickered.

"I'm glad. Now, let's get started with your weekly performances."

Of course, Elvis was on the list of people playing today. His guitar was sitting on the piano bench. When his turn came, he got up and took his guitar and then his seat in front of the class, not once looking at me. He was trying, just like I was.

"I know it's Christmas time, and you all who've played this month have been playin' Christmas songs, but I wanted to play somethin' else," he said as he sat there with the guitar in his arms and lap. He looked so handsome sitting there. "This is by one of my favorite singers, Frank Sinatra."

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