page 12 (mature)

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I sat down in my room, crossing my legs as I sat on my chair on my vanity and looked into the mirror "alright now what to do what to do?" I said to myself. "Want a peace of my hair to change your hair color?" Curtis said, laying on my bed."Hmmm, that is not a bad idea either, but they have seen me at school like that, I need a permanent disguise," I explained and thought once more just to smiled "get me a hair of that idiot fish her hair color is brown right? Is so common it is perfect for a disguse," I spoke calmly. Curtis smiled and nodded. "Can I get a bit of a bite?" He asks, smiling brightly. "Only if you bandage it up and make it painful," I ordered, smiling mischievously. He smiled and nodded his head. "Happy to do so," he answered and left. "What about me?" Winston asks, appearing from who knows where since I forgot all about him. Again.
"You prepare my couldren. I have a potion to do, " I ask calmly, and I look into the mirror at myself and tilted my head."I bet even like this, I would get cheated on, " I mumbled and sighed softly. Dayana walked to me and laid her head on my lap purring, and I smiled softly. "You always know how to make me feel better, Dayana," I said, petting her head gently, "if anyone were to take you from me I swear on my name I will make their life a living hell just like that fish of a bitch" I spike darkly and frowned just to laugh a bit when she leaned suddenly and licked my face multiple times "your tongue hurts Dayana!" I laugh loudly, blushing faintly.

"Have it ready and heating already," Winston interrupted. I gently pushed Dayana off and stood up, walking towards the couldron and carrassed his cheek as I walked past him. "Good boy," I smiled, and looked to see how he did and nodded my head in approval. "Now let us brew the potion and have it ready for tomorrow," I spoke smiling calmly as I grabbed the engridients to change my looks. "Where is Curtis and that hair sample?" I asks, waiting as I stirred "ill go get him. " Winston sighed, "no need I'm here my bad, " Curtis said, walking in as he cleaned the blood off of his mouth and brought the hair sample."Finally," she smiled and took the sample, then thought for a moment and took one of her own and put it in the mixture. "Why did you add yours only?" He asks curiously. "That is because I changed my mind. I do need to look beautiful and desired, so I smiled and took a hair sample of Curtis hair, "Ow!" he grumbled and blushed when I kissed his cheek."Thank you. " I chuckled and added his instead of the fish girls. "Now, with your hair and mine, I will gain a new DNA look." I explained as I started to mix the new potion I was making. "Wait, so you will look like our child if we were to mate?" he asks, blushing deeply. I looked at him and smiled mischievously "why yes~, if you were to court me, take me to bed, undress me, and do me~" I said seductively. He looked at me, shivering a bit "Misa do not tease me," he grumbled, looking away shyly, "Oh stop, you love it when I tease you." I smiled as I kept on sturring "Alright, it is finished." I sigh, puring it in three bottles, then on a small one I shall be taking. "I might end up having to sleep with that scoundrel," I spoke, just realizing that possibility. "Are you not used to it from your past life?". Winston added, confused, "yes mentally but i am a virgin once more, and i would not like my first time to be painful again." i sigh softly.

"Is understandable that you don't wish for it to be bad this time either" Curtis added and sat down on the couch while Winston stayed standing up, "what about if you sleep with someone your comfortable and know well." Winston spoke thinking for a momment."What about me?" he added and smirked."Pfft not even in your dreams snake boy" Curtis laughed "your the one to talk pony boy" he growls smirking. "what did you just call me?" he glared and started to strangle each other. I sigh smiling but thought for a momment and smiled darkly "oh that is a perfect idea~" I chuckle as they shivered at my expression "I love it when you have that expression but it also scare's me" Curtis said smiling a bit. "yeah but is also hot" Winston smiles blushing faintly. I rolled my eye's and shook my head standing up as I walk to my books of alchemy and started to look for something specific and looked at Curtis "Curtis go to Leo and ask him if we could talk that I really need someone to talk to and comfort me" I smiled wide and looked at Winston "Winston get the couldron clean and ready again, I have another potion to make~" I giggled. They both nodded and did as they were told, while I read for what I needed to create the potion. After a while of brewing and brewing my plan I had my room cleaned wore a royal blue nightgown, showing a big amount of skin including cleavage, legs, and shoulders. I put on a long lace scarf around my shoulders to cover a bit and closed my eyes going to the balcony thinking of my most painful memories. I bite my bottom lip as I started to tear up and looked up hearing my name. "Leo..." I said sadly and cried a bit more looking down as he flies down and hugged me. "Curtis came to me and told me, what happened who made you cry I will curse them" he grumbled angry but cupped my cheeks and cleaned my tears I blushed faintly and put one of my hand on top of his claw.

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