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Morning came the next day it is very peaceful, and I woke up happily and petted Dayana, who slept next to me on my bed. "Morning Dayana, how did you sleep?" I asked, smiling as I petted her head. She yawned, purring to my touch. I chuckled and stood up, stretching calmly and cracking my back, legs, and neck.

I sigh, feeling better after doing so, and I walk to my bathroom to clean my teeth and brush my hair calmly as I hum. "Curtis, winston," I called out calmly, and walked out of the bathroom seeing they appeared and waited for me. "We will be working with my parents from now on, so get used to treating people like that fish." I smiled calmly, putting my hair up in a ponytail. "I enjoyed it, so I'm not complaining." Winston smirked.

Curtis nods agreeing and thought for a moment before speaking up "Misa those memories I saw those yiu did not have them before" he spoke curiously but also felt the same thing I felt than and now, anger. "Those were repressed memories, Curtis memories I unconsciously hid from myself when I got re-born here to this world."

"Seems I was re-living the same life I had back then. But it will be different this time because now, in this 6 can kill whomever stands in my way of my happiness of my dreams. " I smiled wide and mischievously. "Ah, seems the darkness you felt in my soul was this side of me. Do you regret becoming mine now?" I tilted my head curiously towards him

"No, never on the contrary. I'm more glad than ever to be yours~," he smiled, " I agree your mana pool is amazing your half pur sould is intriguing but when your dark side grew more after you have opened your lost memories is very enticing" Winston spoke licking his lips.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the closet of mine and grabbed my uniform "well Mina won't going us today since she got very hurt that leaves me with po and Leo all by my lonesome with two men~" she smirked liking her lips "what to do what to do."

"Are you not worried your life will be repeated?" Curtis asked, worried a bit even. "No, because as I said before, I will kill anyone who stands in my way. As for them, I'll just use them they are of use to me, especially the guys~" I smiled, blushing faintly and laughing mischievously. "Im not that nice girl I was before, so they all better watch out for the new me!." I slammed the closet doors shut and smirked.

"Let us go to school. I got some taming to do~" I licked my lips seductively. When I was ready for school, I went by carriage and even changed my image a bit by wearing lipstick and small natural shade to still look natural. "Are you sure about this Misa there's no turning back. I'm not complaining about this, I will protect you no matter what. I just wish to make sure," Curtis spoke.

I looked at him and smiled softly, having calmed down a bit. "I already took the first step when I took thay fish girl Curtis, and it felt thrilling." I spoke truthfully, "I thought it was fear that I could kill her, but it actually was excitement."

"Dont worry about me, Curtis. I'll be doing just fine and stand by what I said. I will make anyone who wishes to harm me and my new family, they will wish I killed them instead of what I'll do to them. " I smiled mischievously, "this life I'm gonna live it how I want now and I'm going to get away with every little thing I do~" I giggled mischievously

"Now let us put on a mask and act like nothing has changed other than being attacked and saving Mina, alright?" I asked calmly as he nodded with a smile. "Gladly, I can't wait to see what will become of your new role in this life," he said entertained.

I walked out of the carriage with style yet still my normal smile with Curtis beside me and walked towards the cafeteria to meet uo with my friends. 'So Mina will nit be there yet,' Curtis spoke in my thoughts. 'No, she was really beaten up I as well, but it was not that bad, so healing potion worked especially when I used that fishes blood,' she thought with a hidden dark smile.

'With her gone, I'm going to have a bit of fun.' I finished speaking in my thoughts with him and smiled softly quickly when I spotted my friends. "Leo, po!" I spoke loudly, running towards them. They turned around towards me and smiled as po quickly hugged me as Leo hugged both of us to hug me as well. "Thank goodness you're ok, Misa," Po said, hugging me a bit tight, and I tap his back "dude your crushing her" Leo said chuckling and po loosened up then let go "my bad I was just so worried especially when we saw Mina we were scared to sew how you were too but we never saw you" he defended a bit embarrassed.

"Hehe, is ok, very sweet of you guys. Don't worry, I'm fine. I held my own, and it was stopped before anything bad happened, I'm alright now, thanks to some potion healing my parents got for me, " she smiled lying easily. "Come on, let's sit down. we got you for the food. Just go sit," Leo said, going to get my favorite while po sat with me, and Curtis left to go eat. I smiled mischievously discreetly and leaned towards po a bit, acting a bit shy. "You guys are very sweet. I'm glad that you both are ok. At least, i thought you both would be going crazy worried, " I said truthfully.

He blushed faintly and put a hand on my shoulder, cuddling me a bit as he chuckled. "Of course you are wrong," he said bluntly, which made me blinked, surprised a bit "we were everywhere panicking after how we saw Mina we went looking for you around school" he laughs a bit.

"Took four students to hold us down for the teachers to explain you were OK and at home." he smiled softly, I blushed faintly and giggled a bit, wrapping my arms around his waist and snuggling him a bit."You both are very sweet. " I smiled calmly. "I was worried for Mina too. I should've stopped her sooner from stopping the fight herself, instead of going to the teachers," I sighed "huh?, why didn't she?, it would've been so much easier and both of you would have not gotten hurt" he asked confused.

I smirked discreetly and sighs softly played with my hands a bit "I dont know I was looking for them they were gone so when I was going to tell her let's us go find them she already ran up to stop the fight by challenging them instead" I said truthfully technically. Po frowns and sighs, shaking his head. "That was too hot headed of her because of that she almost died, and now you could have too if you didn't have so much mana," he said, upset

I blushed and looked at him surprised "po" I said softly and touched his cheek gently. I'm alright ok is in the past now, ok? " I said warmly and kissed his cheek. "Calm down for me, ok?" I smiled cutely. He flinched, surprised by the kiss, and smiled a bit as his tail wagged a lot "ok fine but if that happens again, she will hear my mouth, and Luke's I'm still telling him this" he sighs. "Oh, just please behave both of you don't want her to feel bad she was just trying to help after all," I spike, frowning a bit.

"Fine, fine so long it doesn't happen again," he smiled. "Definitely," I answered and chuckled softly. Leo soon came back with my food as well as his own, and we started to eat happily . I leaned on Luke next when he heard the story but kept calm to respect my wishes, and I smiled warmly as we enjoyed our breakfast.

I waved goodbye to them and walked to class humming calmly as Curtis then appeared and chuckled "you are one cunning woman" he mumbled and I smirked discreetly "like taking candy from a baby" I answered. "Now, let us continue. Normally, my small job is done for the day," I answered calmly.

Just like that, the day went smoothly, and I went home after the day. I walked out of the carriage and looked up a bit surprised "mom dad?" I asked, confused."Hello sweetie, we have an assignment for you, " my father spoke seriously. "Will you take it?" My mother added. "You do not have to. There is no pressure. We are just," she got teary eyes. "So proud you did your first kidnapping and torture!" She whined and hugged me.

I sweatdropped and hugged her back, chuckling. "mooom, stop," I sighed. "Anyway what's the job" I asked seriously "there has been kidnappings of young woman and being sold in the black market normally we look away but now the king is begging us more than usual and well we think you could take this tho warning the true target is a wealthy count who loves to kill them painfully after having his way his name is maximum" he explained

I thought for a moment and smiled widely and darkly. "I think I know how to make it fun for me," I chuckled. My father shivered at my face and smirked. "im so proud of you already, so you'll take it?" He asked again. "Happily, I'll take it and show that man what a real woman is~" I laugh a bit walking inside.

"Sire, we are ready to part to the kingdom," a servant spoke. A black fur panther with blue eyes turned around and smiled a bit "alright let us go," his husky voice spoke.

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