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   Morning came and I was very excited for this field trip. I put on my uniform, my badge and put my long platinum white hair in a braid “seem’s your back to normal” curtis yawned and Winston nodded as he slithered off of him and shifted. “If anything i would like to stay to cold of water makes me sleepy” he spoke calmly “ah cause your a snake right, is fine then can you walk Dayana for me then please” i asked and looked at Curtis “well let’s go” i smiled as he nodded and shifted while i hopped on and left through the balcony. “To think they could use the front door” Winston said calmly while Dayana yawned and tilted her head not really caring, we rode off to school as i hum a bit excitedly to go to the field trip to see live merfolk people. When we arrived on campus I hopped off of Curtis and walked to the group of students and looked around for Mina and smiled when I heard my name seeing her waving and jumping. I giggled a bit and ran up to her as Curtis followed calmly. “Oh Misa i can’t wait this is really happening we are leaving to go to aqua academy for merfolk students!” she spoke excitedly and loudly “ yes i cannot wait either i wish to go already” i replied. We stopped talking when our teachers arrived together and we smiled excitedly but stayed quite “alright classes as you can see we are the only class that will be going to aqua academy” my teacher spoke calmly “so you will be in small groups of two or three so you will be responsible to one another ok” Minas teacher spoke “us” i said quickly and smiled brightly “yup always” Mina spoke happily. “Alright now let  us go to the main building of the school we shall portal our way to the sea” my teacher smiled and led the way with the other teacher and we all followed close behind.

        “I cannot wait to see how they heal themselves with not just healing magic, their herbs, how they breathe, how they swim with those body’s of theirs” Mina spoke happily. “I cannot wait to see the sea, their herbs for potions, and how they swim hehe” I said excitedly. “I still don’t see their appeal” Curtis spoke next to me, acting calm as always. ‘Because your aquatic already we have never seen them too they keep to themselves” I defended pouting. “Yeah we have never seen one just like your kind too Curtis is only natural we are excited” Mina also defended. Curtis looked at us sweatdropped from his face and sighs softly “ok, ok i get it sheesh” he spoke giving in. I smiled and we kept walking feeling like winner’s, we soon arrived to the main building and group by group walk through the portal when it became our turn i closed my eyes suddenly when a bright light hit my eyes, once i opened them hearing some students excited i gasped seeing the sea cut in half cleanly. “Amazing” I mumbled blushing faintly as Mina nodded having heard my mumble. We all started to walk in and I smiled as I saw the corals that were in the separated water. Justb to agasp hearing a small scream when the water closed behind us but it did not hit us ‘ah like an aquarium in my old world cool’ i thought. I looked at mina and smiled “is ok look we are underwater” i spoke to sooth her worriedness away she looked at me and took a deep breath “ right sorry im not a good swimmer you know being my kind” she spoke and sigh softly. 

       I smiled softly “ hey i'll save you if anything” i spoke calmly “oh really?” she smiled “what i would, i touched you a couple times” i defended a bit “that is true when there are emergencies but that is fine i'm glad either way” she smiled brightly and warmly. ‘Seems she is calm now’ I thought to myself, we walked a bit longer and soon saw a gorgeous school, sparkled like sea glass. I have never seen something this beautiful ever, when we walked inside we got our own personal bubble in groups we chose.  I was just so amazed. It was just gorgeous as well as gold silver sea glass decor. The students swimming around had their own unique colors and shape of fin. “Amazing i can’t believe i'm this close to the merfolk” mina spoke happy i smiled softly and nodded feeling the same way. “This way class we are meeting the principal” Minas teacher spoke loud and we began to follow again as we got stares from so many of them. It seems we are just as rare to them as they are to us. “Eh?’ I blinked looking at the female as I stopped on my tracks “she was” i mumbled “Evan let’s go we will be late!” my female friend said “coming!” I spoke and looked at the white hair human female one more time and swam off. I turned around moving my white hair a bit and tilted my head “did i imagine that” i mumbled and shrugged it off as i continued to walk.

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