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"What's the matter fishy, cannot fight anymore?" I smiled, looking at her with cold eyes. "Are you ready to die by my hands? Don't worry, I'll be kind and make it less painful," I chuckled. Her tears fell to her cheeks as she was shaking and trying to keep her consciousness. "Please...I'm sorry," she spoke barely and her voice cracking "I giv-" I cut her off by grabbing her by the hair, and she let out a noise of pain. "agh!". "Oh?, you're sorry? Were you sorry when beaten a classmate of mine?".

"Were you sorry when you beaten my friend". I spoke, getting angrier by the second, and slammed her head to the floor, hearing a splat. "Oh, I broke your nose, you're bleeding so much," I spoke darkly. She did not response her eyes almost going at the back of her head. "Were you sorry for almost killing me?" I asked calmly, everyone went silent they did not know what to say, what to do. One thing was for sure they were frightened. "I'll give you some advice. Next time when you try to kill me, make sure you know I'm dead." I spoke darkly and cracked my knuckles, grabbing her by the neck and started to squeeze slowly.

"STOP," a loud voice spoke. It was the principle of the merfolk school next to him, my teachers. I stopped and dropped her, and she fell to the ground already have lost her consciousness. I looked at them, still angry, wishing for blood, her blood. I quickly smiled softly "teacher I'm sorry, She almost killed me. I was just defending myself. It seems I got carried away though". I plead innocent. "There's witnesses to prove my innocence," I added calmly, stretching my arm to show it was the whole school.

"She tried to actually kill a classmate of mine as well and a close friend too, when she tried to put an end to her ruthlessness," I added calmly and getting serious "if I may be so bold I apologize but what kind of behavior are you allowing in this school of yours?. Minimizing other species that you think are inferior to your kind. I spoke truthfully. The principal sweardropped, unable to counter my words so easily without making a mistake.

He looked around, seeing the damage that had taken place when they left them alone briefly. "T-that may be so, but for now, we shall take this to my office and talk further of it privately. I shall talk with your fellow classmates to hear further of what had happened, " he spoke, keeping his calm. "Will this be alright with you all?" he asked. "Well, with this matter, we have no choice . we do not have enough evidence as of yet to whom started this ordeal." One of them spoke, and the rest nodded in agreement.

They looked towards me to see my reactions, and I smiled a bit. "Fine by me, I can't wait to see what will happen to the one that is guilty." I spoke calmly as I walked towards the door and stopped turning to them "oh I do hope that they get severely punished might I add my necklace was taken off and almost drowned if it weren't for my familiar might I add". I spoke coldly with a smile and began to walk once more.

Once I arrived at the doors of the principles office, he walked inside while I sat down outside and waited. 'Curtis, can you hear me?' I thought to myself, closing my eyes as I lay one of my hands to my chest while tail swaying a bit. 'Yes I can,' I heard his voice in my head gasping softly, surprised, 'I do not know how this happened, did we fused' I asked calmly in my head. 'This I don't know though it is possible to fused and become one with your familiar temporarily it is not common' for how much mana it takes to stay as one' he explained a bit.

'Since, I have so much of it that means it was possible for us and why is lasting long as is' I added getting a bit of am understanding of it. 'Yes, that is why we can thankfully since you would have died from drowning if ut wasn't for that merfolk fish,' he added mad we did not have time finish her off.

I looked at my hands, shaking a bit, and clenched them into fists.'Did you regret almost killing her?' He asked as I stayed silent for a momment remembering how I had my hand around we her neck as I watched her life almost leaving her body. 'More like' I spike and paused, smiling a bit. "It wasn't enough," I spoke out loud

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