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The next morning I was still asleep till I awoke suddenly from a flash of light in my room. "Sorry my lady but remember you're going to school, for now just to check the school grounds, and your classes." My maid said, smiling, her name amy very sweet to me. She has been with me since i was a baby so i grew attached to her but of course i wont show it. I sigh softly and got off the bed rubbing my eyes softly "well at least this way i wont get lost on my first day" i spoke calmly "indeed and who knows you might like it" Amy said softly with a smiled and helped me get dressed, to make a big impression they wanted me to wear a gorgeous blue dress with a butterfly bow to hold my hair up and show my features. I walked downstairs when we were done and my parents showed big smiles when they saw me. I myself could not help but to smile too. I am doing this for them but also for myself now as well now too. We walked outside and got into our carriage and drove off to my future school "mom, dad i want to get a pet" i blurted out without thinking which made them look at me surprised "ne-never mind forget i asked it was a stupid request". I spoke quickly regretting saying anything "it's not stupid sweetie" my mother spoke smiling softly and warmly, while my father nodded in agreement " your mother is right baby girl you can ask such a question and we will agree to it, After all your very mature for your age and even got to the best school is the least we could do" he spoke without hesitation , this made me tear up remembering how i had to fight to be able to get a dog in my past life even when i was mature enough. "Thank you mom, dad'' i said crying as they grabbed me and held me close into a loving embrace "in fact let's go after the tour, sounds good?'' my mother asked. This made me smile and nod "yes sounds great!" I spoke happily.

Not long after we later arrived to the school grounds we were let in the gates then got off the carriage and looked around a bit as we wait "my this place is huge'' my mother said amazed, "i agree it is, and it looks awesome makes me actually excited for school.'' I mumbled softly for only my ears to hear. "Someone is coming" I said, seeing someone come our way with some kids too. They are so tall it makes me insecure of my temporary height, but they look handsome, and the female is so pretty too. "Hello, welcome, welcome, sorry for being late. I was picking up our honor students. The male said as the kids introduced themselves, "hello i'm robert" the male hybrid with black round ears said, 'huh a black lion' i thought to myself calmly and bowed gracefully. "Hello my name is stephan '' he said cutely he is human with red eyes and blonde hair, "and i am lina '' the female bowed. She is a beautiful gray cat. 'Seems it is now my turn'. "Greetings, my name is Misa shinatsu" I said softly and bowed once more. "My she is so well mannered and so young" the male worker complimented "since she was a baby she was like this actually" my mother said calmly. "You don't say." he said curiously. While I paid attention to the school ignoring the three kids. 'They spill main character vibes there is no way a hybrid like me will be friends with those three' i thought to myself. Though it is only because I do not want to, getting close to them has its ups and downs,mostly downs like one sided crushes, getting bullied, or getting killed by side characters out of jealousy, you get the idea.

"Well shall we start the tour, we have some plans after this" my father said seriously but professionally this made me cover my mouth a bit from almost laughing 'he believes im interested in one of the guys so he wishes to look intimidating, cute'. "Of course let's start the tour" the male worker said and started to walk my parents right behind him and then I while the three kids behind me giving me space. 'Wow I'm actually loving this place. They have a huge library, delicious cafeteria food, music class, art classes as well, and your basic normal classes but with magic too!. I love this place'. I thought smiling happily, unable to contain my calm composure, I was so oblivious of the three kids behind me even. "She is adorable" lina whispered as her tail swayed watching "agreed if she was to be a hybrid when she is of age her tail would be swaying like crazy" stephan said chuckling a bit "yeah like a normal child" robert said calmly, lina looked at him confused "what do you mean she seems quite normal" she said confused. " My first impression of her seemed matured , like she is 16 even older, now she is acting like a six year old," he explained. "Robert we are mature for our age too" stephan said confused since they are the same age well close stephan is seven robert eight and lina also seven. If only they knew if she was really six, "how old are you?" Robert blurted out while Lina and Stephan looked at him panicked. I turned around confused but answered anyway " i'm seven" i spoke calmly "my birthday was two days ago" i added calmly ' i begged my parents not to make a big deal out of it and they fulfilled my wishes' i thought calmly turning back around so i would not trip "oh so we are the same age that's great" lina smiled happy "same here" stephan smiled bright. I just nodded calmly "that's great so you got your ears and tail early?" I asked to make a small talk "why yes robert got them at young age" stephan added proud robert stayed quiet. "I see thats rare correct" i spoke calmly "yes is rare but don't worry you'll may have yours at age sixteen maybe" she said calmly "if she has the gene" robert added making stephan and lina glare at him " do not mind those words he did not mean it in a bad way is ok to be human look at me" stephan said proudly. I smile a bit keeping my laugh inside ' heh i got my ears and tail early too just prefer to keep them hidden for now' i thought calmly " well this is the end of the tour what do you think" the worker asks when we went back to the carriage "is truly amazing and it seems safe" my mother said smiling. "Yes indeed and it does go from kindergarten to even the twelfth grade" he said, satisfied with that. " What do you think sweetie?" my mother asked. Now all eyes are on me. "I like it very much, though I have a question." I was a bit worried about the answer. 'Do you allow pets?' I asked embarrassed " why of course this school is pet friendly since some have the ability to get familiars which are magical creatures. So it is only fair to allow other types of animals" the worker said smiling calmly "then i love to go here if you would gladly have me" i said politely and bowed. "You will start as soon as you can sweetie welcome to our school" he said calmly "yes welcome" lina,and stephan said happily and robert just nodded.

We stopped by the market soon after the school since as promised we are getting me a pet isn't that great. We ended up stopping by one that was most recommended and got out of the carriage, being held by my father since I felt a bit nervous. " Don't worry sweetie if you don't like any of them there are other places to look'' my mother spoke assuringly. "Yes and if the problem is if you cannot choose between two we can always get both'' my father said smiling proudly i even asked for something. '' Ok, let's not go overboard dad "I smiled, calming down a bit. We walked inside and were greeted as soon as we walked inside "hello welcome to fantasy pets" a male bunny beast-kin greeted with a smile. "Hello we are here to adopt a pet today if possible," my father said calmly with his charming killer smile. "Oh y-yes of course give us one moment'' the male blushed faintly and left my mother and I giggled. ' There goes another one, welcome to the fan club friend but I'm the president of this club' i thought to myself proudly. Soon after a moment they took us to a room filled with well mannered animals from your average pet to exotic pets. "Here are the best we have that will be able to go with you home today" the male said calmly. My father put me down and I looked at the animals then at them "go ahead baby girl pick your pet" my father said softly, "don't be afraid to choose the one you truly want" my mother added. I took a deep breath and walked up to the animals 'my personality has not changed. 'I love all animals so it is going to be hard to choose,' I thought sighting softly.

There's so many types to choose from: cute kittens, puppies, then there's baby red pandas, tiger cubs, foxes, and much more. Though the one that caught my eye was the baby tiger at the end of the corner. 'I always wanted to snuggle a tiger and hold one' i thought walking up to the cub which was looking up to me with the most cutest face just begging to be carried so i did and smiled "well aren't you cute" i said and snuggled it happily "good choice she is the last tiger cub we have today" the worker said calmly. "Oh is she that's even better" I smiled happily. "I choose you, oh right, a name." I thought for a moment looking into her gold yellow eyes, the fluffy yellow with black stripe fur of hers "Dayana, your name will be Dayana," I said happily. "Aw that's a good name sweetie we shall prepare the papers while you get friendly with your new pet" the male said happily "well that's my cue i'll be back" my father said calmly with a smile and left with the worker to settle the paperwork. "She is perfect sweetie," my mother said, coming towards me and Dayana as I snuggled her happily. "Yeah she is, I will take good care of her." I spoke truthfully and warmly. Soon my father came back with the paperwork and we bought her food as well as her own bed though I might end up letting her sleep on my bed. We got back on the carriage and put Dayana on my lap as I put on her collar a beautiful blue collar with her name on it in the shape of a heart. "Welcome to your new home Dayana" I smiled softly, kissing her forehead. "I'm glad your happy baby girl" my father spoke happy, "yes im so proud that you gathered the courage to ask us for something, never ever be afraid to ask us for anything sweetie" my mother added smiling warmly. "Thank you for giving me an amazing life mom, dad" I smiled at them happily.

We finally made it home. I took a shower with Dayana which was fun. Her chasing the bubbles was very adorable. We got dried up and were left alone to sleep but as always I could not fall asleep so I was in my spot watching the stars. Till I snapped out of it when I heard a small "meow". "Dayana did worry you?'' i asked softly smile and grabbed her gently pulling her up "i'm sorry i could not sleep, i was thinking of my old home, and my old love...'' I spoke to her feeling more comfortable with her around now. "I had a little sister, a little brother from my father's side, and had three pets even before you. Two left this world and grew wings to live in heaven" i spoke to her calmly seeing she looked like she was actually listening to me which made me feel a bit better " i couldn't stay long myself to see my sister and brother grow up, i did not get to marry my beloved luka..'' i added frowning a bit, i hugged her close whimpering a bit holding my tears just to smile a bit when i felt a scratchy tongue licked my cheek belonging to Dayana "your tongue is so scratchy'' i said calmly, but Dayana just kept licking and purring. "Okay okay, im feeling better Dayana" i said happily and snuggled happily, "let's watch the stars a little bit longer" i added and we stared at the sky a little while longer.

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