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     ‘Maybe i can at least be friends with him seeing the difference may help me get my mind off him being just like luka.’ I thought. I stood up and walked towards him as i took a deep breath and smiled a bit “h-hi’’ i greeted a bit nervous  just for him to turn his head to me and stood up calmly ‘holy shit he is huge’ i thought raising my head a bit “hi” he said in a deep husky voice that sends shivers down your spine. ‘ what a voice’ i thought blushing faintly “my name is Misa shinatsu what’s your name?” i ask trying to keep my composure “my name is levi knox” he said calmly ‘i really cannot read him’ i thought to myself and bowed my head a bit “ nice to meet you, hope we can talk sometime if you ever want to of course” i said calmly and smiled a bit and walked to my friends keeping my beating heart calm. “My you actually went to talk to him” Mina said surprised “How did it go though?” Po asked curiously “well i said hi and asked for his name” i said embarrassed “really that’s it!?” Leo said loudly and i covered his beak real quick glaring at him “shut up or i'll make you drink  poison specially made for you ” i threatened grumbling. Leo sweatdropped but nodded and I uncovered his beak sighting softly. “I also told him if he ever wants to talk to come over here” i smiled softly. “Somebody likes him~” Po cooed “ i do not i just mm find him interesting” i spoke truthfully and crossed my arms. 

                 After a couple of teasing from them everyone came to a silent when a older male walked in seemed to be the teacher, “everyone please take your seats” the male said kindly but with authority, we all took our seats calmly and paid attention, or well i was paying attention “as you all may be wondering why you all have badges with different colors is all based on your progress from kindergarten to middle school.’’ he explained calmly “ not just from all your classes but for the one specifically you thrive on hance some have the drawing of alchemi, healing, doctor, and vet as well as knight.’’ He added, ‘oh that’s why’ i thought now feeling better that i know the reason. “But once you start today some may keep their status color others may achieve the biggest that may let you be top of the top or even be a classroom representative to be maybe chosen to join the school student body” He explained further. ‘ I do wish to keep my gold but wonder what color is the highest oher than gold’ I thought, “teacher what is the highest color then” Mina asked determinedly and I smiled thinking she was so cute. “The color is bright white platinum” he said and showed a pin as an example, and my eyes sparkled ‘ that would match with my hair’ curtis mindlink and smirked as i blushed deeply ‘ your an open book is embarrassing’ he added and i grumbled more. 

                  “Here you will be able to relax a bit and catch up with friends or colleagues that are not assigned to your specific class.’’ he said calmly and smiled”of course you also have lunch together as well, Now that is all i will say you will leave soon to your specific classes soon.” he spoke calmly and actually walked away. I looked at my friends and smiled as i quickly sat on the desk of po and they stood up and walked up to us, while everyone else did basically the same “ i'm so so nervous” i sigh and groan “ me too honestly, new people, and new teachers with harder tests” Mina said and hugged herself sighting as well. “Come on, it will be fun, new people means new friends, hard tests means smarter minds” Leo said pumped up. I giggled and shook my head “ true but you can still be nervous” i said shrugging “ well i'm a bit nervous and excited” Po said truthfully “ see we can be both’ i argued calmly. “Whatever i'm pumped” Leo spoke and smiled, After a couple minutes the bell rang and I flinched looking at my friends nervously and hugged po, leo and we;; poked mina gently. “See you guys at lunch ok?” I asked to be assured. They smiled softly and nodded “of course silly” Leo chuckled, and Mina smiled brightly “yeah we are friends silly like you said we will always be in each other's life.” She smiled softly then we parted ways and i started to walk to my assigned class playing with my pin a bit and took a breather just to flinch when curtis suddenly snapped me out of it by poking my sides “calm down Misa you have me with you at all times you'll be fine.” he said trying to comfort me which worked just a bit, i looked at the door and the sign with a beaker and bubbles coming out of it showing this is alchemy potion class. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath “let us do this” i said and curtis smiled and nodded “that's my mistress” he said proud and we walked inside. 

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