27 | Lipstick

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Hinata walked through the halls of the university. People kept giving him weird looks and staring at his face. Did he look weird or something?

"Uh, Hinata?" A man from his lecture asked him. "You kinda got... something on your face,"

"Do I?" He asked rubbing it. On his hand, whatever it was left red stains. "Is it off?"

"Uh... not really. You should probably go to the bathroom to wash it off,"

"Alright..." The brunet kept rubbing his face as he walked to the bathroom. Once he got there, he looked into the mirror. His face turned bright red. There were lipstick stains all over his face. "What the hell??" He asked, pouring water on his face to wash it off.

There was only one person who could have done this.


The door to the library swung open. "Komaeda!"

"Shhh!" The librarian hissed.

"Sorry." He whispered before walking into the corner the pale man usually hung out in.

"Hinata-kun, are you already done?" The pale man asked.

"Can you stand up?"

"Uhm, sure." He did as he was told. Hinata reach behind him and pulled a lipstick out of his back pocket. "Interesting... Looks just like the one that was all over my face just now,"

"...I have no clue what you're talking about..." He looked away.

"Is that so?" Hinata asked, walking closer to him until Komaeda was backed against a bookshelf.

"Well...maybe... maybe I put on lipstick before I kissed you a bunch this morning. It's your fault for not looking in the mirror though,"

Hinata gently grabbed his chin and kissed him. Komaeda, of course, kissed him back.

"That was embarrassing," Hinata muttered during the kiss.

"I thought you looked pretty hot like that." Komaeda grinned, provoking him.

"Shhh!" The librarian hissed again.

"Sorry!" Komaeda said. "You should go to your lectures, Hinata-kun." He kissed the tip of his nose.

"Alright, baby. I'll see you later." He kissed Komaeda's forehead. The brunet let go of him and was about to walk away when he was stopped by Komaeda.

"Wait a second!" He pulled his sleeve over his hand and rubbed Hinata's nose and mouth. "Still had my lipstick on,"

Hinata smiled. "Thanks,"


Hours later, Komaeda placed a plate in front of Hinata. "Bon Appétit," He said.

"Thank you, babe,"

Komaeda kissed his cheek again. "You're welcome,"

"...Kinda feels like we're married,"

"Buy me a wedding dress and we'll make it happen," Komaeda told him.



"And you wanna wear a dress?"

"Nope. A kimono, preferably. It's what I'm used to. But a white one, in that case,"

Hinata nodded. "I'll wear a suit,"

"I bet you'll look so handsome!" He sat down. "Oh, why does Hinata-kun have to be so hot?"

"If we wanna get married, call me Hajime,"

Komaeda smiled. "Alright. But when we get married, you can't call me Komaeda anymore,"

"I know, I'll call you-"

"Hinata. Haha! I'm gonna steal your last name!" He grinned. "But Nagito works too, I guess,"

"You wanna take my name, huh?" Hinata asked, cupping his cheek. Komaeda nodded. "Then how about, in return, I take you out on a date?"

"Yes, please! I'd love that!"

"Then put on some nice clothes tomorrow evening," He told him. "And I'll take you somewhere nice." He gently kissed his forehead.

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