3 | Stress

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As the young God waited in line with him, Hinata took a closer look at him. He was beautiful in an inhuman way, which made sense. His features were soft, yet striking. He was so... light. So pale. So glowing. His long, white eyelashes made him look cold, but his light pink lips added a certain warmth to his face. His eyes were a light green and his pupils were in the shape of a four-leaf clover. His hair was shoulder-long and curly. It looked very fluffy. A few strands were braided and held up by pearl hairclips.

"Hinata-kun, can you order something for me? I do not know what tastes good,"

"Sure thing." He nodded and ordered for the both of them. The two men sat down once they got their meal.

"Gosh, it's been so long since I last ate something!" Komaeda said, grabbing the burger. "This smells delicious!" He took a big bite of the burger and swallowed quickly. "Oh,"

"Oh what?"

"I have never tasted anything like this, it's so... so odd..."

"Do you like it?"

"I think so..? I think so. Yes," He smiled. "I like it!" He said confidently. "How long has it been since I last ate..? When was it... 1356... You do the math,"

"You last ate in 1356? Old ass,"

"Excuse me?" Komaeda asked. "I am the youngest of the Gods. I slept for most of my life. I am mentally 20. 21 at best," he said. "Us Gods mature way slower than humans. I might be a few hundred years old, but I am just a young adult like you,"

"I figured. I was just kidding anyway,"

"Humans have gotten so blunt..."

"No, that's just me. But, uh, we gotta go soon. People are giving you weird looks 'cause of your outfit,"

"That is alright. They are not trying to harm me,"

Hinata got up. "Still. Let's just... take this home with us." He began packing up the food.

"What? Why? I wanted to-"

"You have to be kept safe, Komaeda. We can enjoy this at home, okay?" Hinata said, trying to stay positive. The young God sadly got up and they left the building to go back to Hinata's place.

The two of them entered the apartment and Hinata placed the food on his table. Komaeda sat down. "If you don't want to have people staring at me when we go out, how about you lend me some of your clothes-"

"You're not going out again." Hinata shook his head.


"I cannot allow you to get hurt. You don't get it, but I need to keep you safe at all costs. I know I keep saying this, but it's the truth! You have to be safe. You can't get hurt, Komaeda," Hinata insisted. "You're staying here or you can go to like... the Olymp or whatever,"

"The what?"

"The home of the Gods or something. Where you live. I get that this place is boring. If you want to go home, feel free to. But I'm not letting you out,"

Komaeda seemed really hurt at that for some reason. "Hinata-kun..."


"I want to see this planet. I really do. I want to se nature and people and buildings and animals... I do not want to be locked in here. And I don't want to go home either,"

"I'm not letting you go out. No one is supposed to even know you're here-"

Ding Dong

"Stay here." He walked to the door and opened it. "Hey guys! What brings you here?"

"We wanted to congratulate you on moving out!" A female voice said.

"Ibuki wants to check out your super sick apartment!"

"Uh... I kinda have a friend over right now,"

One of the girls pushed Hinata out of the way. "Ohhh, I wanna meet them!" She ran into the kitchen where the young God was sitting.

"Kyaaaa!! Hajime-chan, where'd you meet this cutie??" She squealed. "He's like if a cute girl was a boy!!"

"So a cute boy?" The other one asked her.

"Fuck!" Hinata hissed, hurrying into the kitchen. "Mioda, Nanami, I need you guys to leave. You can come back some other time, just-"

"Where'd you get this kimono? It's so pretty!" Nanami said to Komaeda.

"Ah, thank you! I do not remember, apologies,"

"Guys!" Hinata called out. "I said go!"

"You don't have to yell, I think," Nanami told him. "We're just excited to meet your friend. What's his name?"

"I'm Komaeda Nagito!" He smiled. "It is a pleasure to meet you,"

Hinata looked around. They had to go. Mioda was way too wild. The colorful girl grabbed a glass from a high shelf. Standing on her tiptoes, she fell backwards, making the glass fly towards Komaeda. Hinata punched it as it flew, breaking it into hundreds of pieces.

"Oops! Sorry, Hajime-chan,"

"It's fine, just... just go. Okay? I don't have the energy for this right now. Sorry, but just go away. Please,"

Mioda pouted, but Nanami dragged her off. "See you around, Hinata-kun," she said as he brought them to the door.

"See you." He closed the door and let out a relieved sigh. When he went back to the kitchen, he wanted to scream. Komaeda was sweeping up the glass pieces with his bare hands.

"Stop! What the hell are you doing?! You're gonna get hurt!"

"Ow!" Komaeda hissed as a piece of glass cut his finger. Hinata grabbed his hand to look at it. "I said don't fucking do that!"

"You're too aggressive..."

"Stay here and don't do anything this time. I'm getting you a bandaid,"

Hinata rushed back as soon as he got a bandaid. He grabbed Komaeda's hand again and wrapped it around his finger.


"Not now. Give me- just give me a second to relax." He sat down on the ground and put his head into his hands. Komaeda sat down next to him.

"You're shaking,"

"I fucking wonder why! It's not like the guy I've been training to protect since I was 12 years old just cut himself on the stupid ass glass my friend broke after I told her to go away!"


"It's alright." Komaeda said softly, rubbing his back. "It was just a small cut. You think I'm really fragile, but that's not true. Well, only a little. Anyway, the point is, I can handle a cut easily. I'm fine." He leaned his head against Hinata's shoulder.

The brunet let out a relieved sigh. "...sorry for yelling at you. I know I shouldn't lock you up in here. Just... how about you only go out when I'm with you? Just... as a start,"

"I'd love that," Komaeda smiled softly.

♡ Protecting You | Hinakoma/Komahina ♡Where stories live. Discover now