10 | More Friends

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Hinata's car parked in front of his apartment complex.

"Thanks for showing me the park," Komaeda said. "It was really fun,"

"No problem." Hinata smiled and got out of the car. He walked to the other side and opened the door for him.

"Oh, thank you!" Komaeda said. "Such a gentleman," He joked.

The two men walked up the stairs. When they got to Hinata's apartment, Komaeda yelped.

"Woah! What's a drunk homeless man doing here??" He asked.

"That's just my best friend Souda,"

"Why is he asleep?"

It was true. Souda was laying on the ground in front of Hinata's apartment, sleeping. His typical mechanic suit was full of oil and grease.

"Souda." Hinata said, lightly kicking him in the side. No reaction. "Souda!" He shouted and kicked him again.

"What..?" He grumbled, getting up.

"What the hell are you doing in front of my apartment?" Hinata asked. "Asleep?"

"I haven't seen your new home yet, so..." He explained, getting up. "I wanted to visit my soul bro. And who's this guy?" He asked, pointing at Komaeda.

"Komaeda Nagito, at your service!" He bowed down. Hinata pulled him back up.

"So, he's like your butler?" Souda asked.

"No, just a friend of mine,"

The pink-haired man nodded. "Nice to meet ya. I'm Souda Kazuichi. I came here, like I said, to take a look at my soul bro's first apartment,"

The brunet unlocked the door and went inside. "Make yourself at home, man,"

Souda did so. He looked at the pictures on the wall. "Awww, that's a photo of us!" He pointed out. "How cute!"

"A photo of you two?" Komaeda asked. "I haven't looked at these now that I think about it." He walked next to Souda. "Oh, you really do look cute,"

In the picture, Hinata was playing bass on the stage. Mioda was singing and Souda was in the back, playing the drums.

"Were you a music group?" Komaeda asked.

"It's called a band," Hinata said. "And yes, we were," He told him, proud.

"And who's this?" He pointed at another picture.

"My brother Izuru. You gotta meet him sometime, seriously. He'd love you. Maybe. Probably not, he'd find you boring like everything else. Don't take it personal,"

Souda had left to see the rest of the apartment at this point.

"Let's hope he doesn't find your underwear too," Komaeda said, giggling.

Hinata laughed. "You're right. I also want you to meet the rest of my friends. You'll love them. Most of them anyway,"

"That sounds delightful,"

"We're actually planning to go out for lunch tomorrow. You can tag along if you wanna,"

Komaeda smiled. "I do,"


The next day, the two of them went to a restaurant. Hinata looked around for his friends until he saw Mioda waving at them. He grabbed Komaeda's hand and pulled him to the table.

"I brought someone with-" Hinata was interrupted by a squeal from Mioda.

"Kyaaaa!! Nagi-chan you look especially cute today!" She praised him.

"Ah, thank you." He sat down.

"Everyone, this is Komaeda Nagito. My friend,"

"Nice to meet you," Koizumi said, smiling. "So, where are you from, Komaeda? What do you do?"

"I live with Hinata-kun!" He said happily as the brunet sat down next to him. "And I go to university with him,"

"I see, what do you study? And why do you live with him?"

"I don't study. I sit in the library and read while he is in his classes," Komaeda explained.

Hinata decided to stop the young God before things got out of control. "It's kinda complicated. So, Komaeda's parents were really strict with him. They didn't let him do anything. I found him reading in the forest all on his own a while ago. We began to talk and he told me his parents never let him go to school or have friends or listen to music or anything normal. He was totally sheltered this whole time,"

Hanamura smirked. "Sheltered, huh? Then I'd like to teach him a thing or two,"

Hinata gritted his teeth and put an arm around Komaeda. "If you lay even a single finger on Komaeda, I'll cut it right off." He threatened.

Komaeda felt a fuzzy feeling in his stomach. Then he hated himself for feeling like that. He couldn't fall into this trap again. But Hinata was so sweet and protective of him. He would keep him safe for sure. He was different.

"Are you okay?" Nanami whispered to him. "You seem lost in thought, I think,"

"Oh! I'm fine. Thank you,"

♡ Protecting You | Hinakoma/Komahina ♡Where stories live. Discover now