11 | Bad Memories

51 4 26

Tw: S////ual harassment

"So, what do you do all day? Do you have a job already if you're not going to university?" Nanami asked.

"No, I do nothing at all," Komaeda said.

"Then how do you get by?" She wanted to know.

"Hinata-kun's money," He said simply.

"So is he like your sugar daddy?" Souda asked.

"Yeah, except I'm not 80 years old and he doesn't have to do anything in return!" Hinata said.

"Oh, so he's just using you for money?" Souda asked.

"I would never do that," Komaeda told him. "I do lots of things for Hinata-kun in return,"

"Oh yeah? Like what?" The brunet asked.

"I sit there and look pretty,"

Mioda giggled. "That's a fact you can't deny!" She said. "Your guys' relationship is kinda weird, but that's okay. As long as Hajime-chan is fine with giving his money away, I don't care,"

"I was just joking, I don't look pretty!" Komaeda cleared things up. "If Hinata-kun asked me to clean or something, I'd gladly do so,"

"You look pretty. You look quite delicious, in fact. I'd love to see-"

"Man, shut up, Hanamura!" Hinata yelled. "Who invited him??"

The table went quiet.

"He just kind of showed up," Owari said.

"How rude," Komaeda said. "He didn't say anything that odd,"

"All this guy does is try to get into your pants," Hinata told him. "He's like that with everyone he meets, it's gross,"

"Keep insulting me, Hinata-kun," Hanamura said, smirking.

Owari grabbed a piece of bread and shoved it into his mouth. "Shut it,"

In truth, Komaeda was very bothered by Hanamura's comments. He hated being objectified and sexualized like that, as anyone would. He only defended him because he did not want an argument to begin. He was the God of safety, after all.

A few hours later, they left the restaurant.

"You said you don't mind my comments, hm?" Hanamura asked him.

"Those were not my words,"

"Well, are you down to... spend some time with me?"

Komaeda's eyes widened. "No,"

Hanamura put a hand on his lower back.

"No. I don't want to,"

Why was no one seeing this? Why was no one helping him?! He didn't want to!

"Aw, come on. It'll be fun-"

"No! I said no!" He shouted. The others turned towards them. Hanamura's hand was still touching him. "I said no! I said no! Why does no one listen to me?! I don't want to!" He shouted, freaking out. Hinata rushed towards him and pushed Hanamura away hard.

"Komaeda, breathe slowly. It's okay. No one will force you to do anything." He rubbed his shoulders.

"D-don't touch me! I said no! I said no! Stop it, I said no!"

Hinata immediately let go.

"Nagi-chan, we're right here with you!" Mioda told him. "Please don't cry,"

He hugged himself as memories flooded back to him. He felt sick to his stomach. "I think I'm gonna throw up... I want to go home now!"

Rain began pouring and thunder roared through the parking lot. Komaeda looked up.

"We can go home," Hinata said.


Hinata looked at Hanamura again and shot him a death glare. The floor he stood on began to rumble.

"Hinata-kun?" Komaeda asked. The rumbling stopped as the brunet stopped focusing on his powers.

"Uh, right. Let's go,"


When they got home, Komaeda let out a sigh. "I'm sorry about that. Usually I'm calmer than this,"

"Don't apologize, it's fine. But uh... what happened back there? It seemed like you were reminded of a really bad situation,"

"Mhm... exactly that," He nodded. "My, uhm... my first protector. The one I had before you, he... ugh, it's so complicated!" He sat down, angry. "Hinata no Hayate,"

"Hey, that's the guy you mentioned when you first woke up!"

"Mhm, I know. He... uhm... ah, where's the clover? The one I hid in? I'd rather show than tell,"

Confused, Hinata went to get the clover.

♡ Protecting You | Hinakoma/Komahina ♡Where stories live. Discover now