8 | Stars

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That night, Hinata was asleep in the living room. The young God was supposed to sleep in the brunet's bedroom, but he had snuck out to to the balcony.

He watched the nightsky. The stars, the moon, the clouds. He listened to the cars driving, the crickets chirping and a few raindrops landing on the small fabric roof that hung over the balcony.

Oh, the stars... they were so beautiful. He remembered when his father showed them to him.

"And these, my child, are called stars," he had said.

"They glow when it's dark!" A very young Komaeda exclaimed, smiling.

"Yes. That is their purpose, just as the moon. Lighting up the night,"

"They're pretty!"

He chuckled. "I know, right?"

"Am I going to be so pretty someday?" He asked.

"Even more pretty. You're the cutest little God out there." He kissed his forehead.

Komaeda sighed. He had last seen his father before... before...

"Close the damn door!" Hinata yelled, tired. "It's cold as shit in here!"

The young God turned around. "I apologize... I simply missed the stars," He explained.

"You can see them every night,"

"I have not in so long. I was asleep for most of my life, after all."

"Do you know who made them?"

Komaeda shook his head. "There's so many Gods and Godessess, I don't know all of them,"

"What?" Hinata chuckled. "Uneducated,"

"Excuse me?" Komaeda asked. "I have more important things to do,"

"Like what?"

"God duties. The safety of the planet and all that,"

"What do you do specifically?"

"I do my best to prevent natural disasters!"

"But they still happen, don't they?"

"Like I told you before, my powers are limited. And I still prevent plenty of them. All the ones this planet hasn't experienced were prevented by me. And it's not just natural disasters. Whenever there is a sick child that miraculously gets healed, it was yours truly who saved them," He explained. "But mother prevents me from saving more people. She still has to do her part, after all,"

"What's she the Godess of?"


Hinata gritted his teeth. "So she's the one who killed my pet crab in second grade?!" He shouted.

"D-don't shoot the messenger!" Komaeda pleaded, holding up his hands in defense.

"How did your dad even fall in love with her? I mean, no offense, but... I feel like it'd be hard to love... death,"

Komaeda sighed and looked up at the stars. Wind brushed through his hair and his shoulders got less tense again. "My parents are not in love. I doubt they ever were. My mother loves my father, but he does not love her back,"

"Then why did they make you?"

"My mother tried hard to get my father's attention. She loved him so much everyone knew it. One day, she got blunt and asked him to be with her,"

The Godess of death sat down next to the God of weather.

"Haruto?" She asked.


"I love you,"

He looked at her, surprised. "What?"

"You heard me." She cupped his cheek.

"I-I, uhm..." He blushed and looked away.

"Come on," She trailed a finger down his chest.

"Come on, what?" He asked, confused. "Genshi, I don't- uhm..."

"You don't what?" She smirked, pushing him to lie down on the ground.

"What are you- what are you trying to do?" He asked.

"You know what I'm trying to do. So? Yes or no, Haruto?"

"Ah..." He didn't really want to. He wasn't disgusted by Genshi. He did find her very attractive, but he simply was not in the mood. The problem was, he didn't know how to say no. "Uhm... sure..."

"What?? Your dad was just too anxious to not have a baby with her?" Hinata asked.


"Wow. You'd think Gods would know how to deal with those kinda situations, but I guess not,"

"Because of that, my father taught me to say no when I do not want to do something. I say no," He told Hinata. "I said no," He whispered. "I did..."

"What?" Hinata asked. "I couldn't hear you,"


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