13 | Food

44 4 9

Over the next week, Komaeda grew to love the time he spent at the library while Hinata was in his lectures. He loved reading and learning new things. The library was so big and there was such a huge variety of books!

Rain drops hit the window and the sky was gray. The weather was so calming to him. It felt like a gentle hug from his father. He was sitting in a bean bag as he read. The librarian was putting some books that had been returned away. The calmness made him feel sleepy.

He closed his eyes... just for a minute...


Hinata entered the library. Where was Komaeda? He looked around, confused. The librarian pointed to the right and Hinata made his way over there to find the God sleeping tight.

He chuckled. "Komaeda?" He whispered, approaching him. "Hey, Komaeda? Time to wake up." He lightly shook him.

"Mmh..." He slowly opened his eyes. "What?"

"My lectures are over for today," he said. "It's time to go home,"

The God stretched and rubbed his eyes before getting up. He followed Hinata to the car, still sleepy.

"I'm so tired... You woke me up in the middle of my deep sleep,"

"Sorry about that. You can sleep when we're home. But don't fall asleep for 671 years again,"

"I won't. I've got no reason to flee from you, Hinata-kun." He smiled.

"That's good to know, actually. I'm glad you feel safe with me,"

"Much safer than I did with Hayate anyway. Even before he betrayed me." He looked Hinata in the eyes. "Please don't ever betray me, Hinata-kun," He pleaded.

"I won't, I promise,"

Komaeda smiled again. "I really like you, Hinata-kun. One day, I hope I can show you where I'm from,"

"That would be sick!" Hinata grinned.

"You think so? I think it would be healthy, don't worry,"

Hinata chuckled. "I know. I meant it'll be cool,"

"The weather differs with the location. But you should bring a jacket just in case,"

"Right, yeah. I'll keep that in mind,"


"Are you hungry?"

"I am starving!" Komaeda said. "I'll go make something,"

"You can cook?"

"Of course I can, it's so easy. I mean, I haven't done it in over 600 years, but how hard can it be?"

"Technology has advanced since then, you know?" Hinata said, leading him to the kitchen with a hand on his back.

"What, you don't think I can do it?"

"...not really, no,"

Komaeda opened the fridge. "Sit back and relax while I make some food for you, Hinata-kun." He grabbed a bunch of ingredients. "Rice!" He said. "Why is it in the fridge? This doesn't need to be kept cool. And why is there bread in the fridge? And why is there-"

"I like doings things my own way,"

Komaeda grabbed a pot and filled it with water. He turned the stove on and waited for the water to boil.

And a whole while later, Hinata was surprised that Komaeda placed a delicious looking meal in front of him. "Looks pretty good, actually," he said.

"I told you so,"

"Where did you learn how to cook?"

"Sato-san taught me," he said. "She was really kind. And as for the modern technology, I've been watching you cook since I came here. I figured out how all this stuff works by now,"

"Do you like cooking?"

"I love it!" Komaeda exclaimed.

"Then... could you cook for me? Like, every day? 'Cause I hate it,"

"Sure!" He nodded.

Hinata tried the food. "It's really good! What's it called?"

"Ozōni. You don't know it?"

"I know it, but this tastes different than usual,"

"Well, I used a really old recipe. Sato-san taught me how to make many traditional meals." He sighed. "I wish she wasn't gone..." he placed a bowl for himself on the table and sat down. "I think Mioda-san would have loved her,"

"Oh, shit, I almost forgot!" Hinata suddenly exclaimed. "Mioda wanted to go to the disco with me today,"

"What?" Komaeda asked.

"You go there to dance and drink and have fun,"

"Can I come with you?"

"Sure, but it's loud and there's lots of drunk people there, so be warned,"

♡ Protecting You | Hinakoma/Komahina ♡Where stories live. Discover now