18 | Mother

36 4 10

Warning for s//ual harassment (woman to man, idk if this is important to add for a tw but maybe it is idkkkk)

When Hinata woke up, he wasn't in his bed anymore. He was chained to a wall by his wrists. Shocked, he looked around. It seemed like he was in a dark castle.

"Where am I..?"

"Hinata Hajime." A female voice said. A woman entered the room.

"Hey, you're the lady from the disco!" He exclaimed. "Where's Komaeda?!"

"The lady from the disco," she repeated, giggling. "How adorable,"

"What's going on?! Where's Komaeda?!"

"He's in a safe place, don't worry." She smirked. "You're so handsome, Hajime. How about you forget that guy and just..." She trailed a finger down his chest. "...make use of what you have right in front of you?"

"What the hell?! No! Get away from me and show me where Komaeda is!" He began ripping on the chains with all his might until they came out of the wall. He grabbed the cuffs that were still around his wrists and ripped them off too. "Where is Komaeda? I'm asking one last time. If you don't tell me, I will-"

"Oh, shut it." She rolled her eyes and then began to glow. Her silhouette morphed and twirled until he could see her again. She looked different now. She was slim with pale skin and long, white hair. If it wasn't for her red eyes, she'd look exactly like Komaeda if he was a woman. "I'm Genshi, the Godess of death. Nice to meet you." She smirked.

Hinata stared at her with wide eyes. "Oh." chills ran down his spine. He had threatened a Godess. The Godess of death.

She laughed. "Baby, you look like you've seen a ghost. I'm not gonna kill you. Don't worry,"

"What do you want from me anyway?"

"You cannot love Komaeda," she said. "I won't allow it,"

"Well... we didn't ask for your permission. I never said I loved him anyway, we just kissed,"

"Cut the bullshit." She hissed. "My son doesn't get to be happy and in love if I don't!" She shouted. "No one falls I love with me all because I'm the Godess of death!"

"That's not the damn reason." Hinata crossed his arms, annoyed. "They don't love you 'cause you tend to kidnap people and hate your son, that's why,"

She gritted her teeth. "Shut up!" She demanded.

"No way in hell. What do you want from me, huh? What are you gonna do?"

"I'm going to keep you here. You're pretty handsome, you're quite muscular... You make for some good eye candy,"

"Sorry," He said "I'm not into older women,"

"Tch. And I'm not into men who argue with me." She crossed her arms.

"Good, if we both don't like each other, let me leave,"

She snapped her fingers and he was chained to the wall again. "These ones a stronger, I underestimated you,"

"Look, lady, I'm not gonna stand here all day for you and your mom friends to drool over me, that's freaky! At least let me see Komaeda!"

"What, so you can kiss him again? Tell him you love him and live happily ever after? No way."

Hinata pulled on the chains, but they didn't budge.

♡ Protecting You | Hinakoma/Komahina ♡Where stories live. Discover now