14 | Disco

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Lowkey I feel like this story tastes like unseasoned chicken so far so I want to spice it up a bit. If you ever have criticism or ideas for my stories, you can comment it btw! (Pls be nice abt it tho). If I use someone else's idea, I give credit to them, but i do know how this story will play out in the grand scheme of things, so if you wanna give ideas, I will probably only use them if they are for small scenes and not big plot points. If you don't wanna say anything tho that's fine too !! Have fun reading :>

Hinata was wearing some old clothes. A washed out black top with a burning skull on it, baggy pants with chains on them and spiky wristbands and fingerless gloves.

"You look so hot!" Mioda said, grinning. "All the ladies are gonna want ya, Hajime-chan!"

"You really do look handsome!" Komaeda told him. "If I were a woman and you were courting me, I'd feel very lucky,"

Hinata raised an eyebrow. "Good to know,"

When they arrived at the disco, Hinata suddenly felt weird. He felt overwhelmed and like it was too loud. Usually, he didn't mind noisy places at all and he enjoyed going to the disco.

When he looked at Komaeda, he was even more confused.

The pale man seemed very nervous and overwhelmed.

"You okay, Komaeda?"

He nodded. "I'm alright,"

"Are you sure? Feel free to go outside for a minute if this is too much for you,"

"Come on, we just got here. I want to have some fun. What do you do here?"

"If you want, we can dance together,"

"I would love that!"

Then it got weird again. As they danced, Hinata felt butterflies in his stomach. That was abnormal for him. When he liked someone, he felt hot in his head, not fuzzy in his stomach. It was like he was feeling someone else's emotions.

And then he looked at Komaeda and it hit him.

The God was blushing and smiling at him with sparkling eyes.

He was feeling Komaeda's emotions as well as his own ones.

"Oh," He said.

"Hm?" Komaeda asked. "What's wrong?"

"I'm feelin' kinda weird. Hey, did it ever happen with Hayate that he... like... did it ever happened that he felt your emotions?"

"Uhm... not that I know of, no,"

"Well... that's kinda what's happening with me,"

"What?" Komaeda asked. "Hm, I don't know why that is happening. I apologize. Maybe we could ask my father!" He said.

"Sure." Hinata nodded.

"How do you know you're feeling my emotions though?"

"Well, uhh..." Hinata reached a hand towards Komaeda's face and leaned in close. The pale man blushed.

"Right now you feel flustered,"

Komaeda nodded.

Then, Hinata pinched both of his cheeks. "And now you're pissed off,"

"Yes, I am!" Komaeda hissed.

"Let's go visit your dad tomorrow, okay?"

Mioda approached the two men with another woman by her side. "Hajime-chaaan! I've got someone I wanna introduce to you!"

Hinata looked at the other woman. She was really pretty. She wore a low-cut crop top and a mini skirt paired with high heels.

The brunet turned red in the face as she got closer to him.

"Ay caramba..." Hinata muttered.

"Hey there," she said, smirking. "Mioda-san here said you were looking for a girlfriend,"

"Yeah, I love girls!" Hinata said, still bright red.

"Haha, you sure get flustered easily for someone who looks so tough," she told him.

"Ahahahahahahahaha, I know, I uhh-" He trailed off. He felt sad all of a sudden. He felt worthless and as though everyone else was so much better than him. Then he looked at Komaeda, who was staring at the ground, hiding his face.

"Do you wanna dance with me?" She asked, putting his hands on her own waist. "Come on, I want you to lead,"

"Uh... Thanks, you're really pretty, but I was just dancing with my friend over here, so-... kinda busy. Sorry. You seem cool though,"

Komaeda looked up, surprised. "You'd prefer dancing with me?" He asked. Hinata smiled at him.

"I see," she said. "Have fun, you two." She stuffed a note into Hinata's back pocket. "Call me if you're interested anyway," she smiled and left.

Hinata- no, Komaeda- no, Hinata felt happy.

"Then come dance with me already!" Komaeda laughed, wrapping his arms around Hinata's neck. "Alright, give me a second!" The brunet chuckled.

♡ Protecting You | Hinakoma/Komahina ♡Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin