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Yn,mithali and Akansha were now in their business class seats,yes,bitchasses are pretty rich,yn sat in the middle,Chiu in the window seat and akansha was at the other corner which was an isolated seat so she could sleep.

"Bitch,you didn't sleep did you."yn hissed at the woman who shrugged and took her self to a dream land with many handsome men.

"di."(Older sister in Hindi or Marathi)

"yeah."yn looked at her younger sister,
Confused at what suddenly happen to her."are you alright."yn asked now worried for her.

"Um,I forget to go to washroom,and i urgently need to do that now."yn looked at maithili as if she had gone mad,but alas chuckled and let the girl to go and rest her urinary bladder.

Their ride was pretty fluent,mostly if left maithili,both yn and akansha slept while the young girl was reading a book she favoured borrowed by her sister.

Maithili looked at yn who was clinging on her slightly,a need she has while sleeping.many things had happened to yn yet she still shows up her unruly self.
Even their mother was sometimes to do the worse but yn still never let it affect the two other of her.

Tears built in her eyes as soon thought of
Her parents conversation while they also shed tears with anu present their also yesterday night only.

Sniffs and soft cries crumbled the room next to Anu's bedroom on the ground floor,turning over Anu knocked first and then went in hearing her father grant her the permission.

"Ma,why are you crying."right away anu walked to her mother who was so red in the face,"she is gone mad,your sister isn't even married and she is crying from now only."viraj chuckled but he was crying himself,blankets laying on their bodies.

"But we all have to get married mom,it's not a big deal."Anu tried to comfort her mother but she herself found her own crying also.

"She will leave us and she still never said she will cry holding me,Anu."anu chuckled,trying to lighten up her mother's mood but she was feeling sour for her sister,her sister was right at a point also,
Their mother had made some mistakes that would never be able to heal her

"She will ma,she will.but she isn't gone olay,she is still with us."Anu comforted,unknown to them Chiu was listening to that all also.

Her biggest support even before viraj was yn,she was a pillar who built them this strong and confidential enough to not relay even on their parents from a young age while she destroyed all her dreams.

Maithili planted a soft kiss to her sister's head,not aware of the fact she was going to be away from them very soon.


"Do we have to get a cab?"akansha questioned,yawning and streched herself the best.

"Oh no,my boyfriend is coming to pick us up."yn scarscmaned.

"Shut up."the brunette rolled her eyes,"don't fight guys,I had booked a cab."maithali dragged the two bickering babies to the cab she has successfully booked while handling the troubles by herself only.

"Do you think we will get someone good looking?"yn asked.

"Why not?"aku replied,her eyes wandering around.while the girl who was a lot younger than them shooked her head knowing what it was to have the two together.

They got their cab finely and droved to the hotel that was pre-booked and a treat from yn,for the promotion of her's.

"I have been telling her—aku went on with folded hands and a scowl,their online booking was facing some problem as yn tried to have a talk with the receptionist.

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