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" All I'm saying is you need to brush your hair." Freya smiled as Nancy went on and on about the importance of brushing her hair. Tony shares a look with Freya, making her chuckle and look down at her hand. " What? " Nancy looked between Tony and Freya 

" Nothing." Tony shook his head, his smile wider than ever. " So, how is everything on earth so far? " Tony asked his daughter 

" It's everything we've imagined." Freya smiled." Where's Johnny? " Freya asked. The girl watched as her parents smiled with each other before motioning for someone to come into view

" Hi Fre! " Johnny jumped into the camera, causing a bright smile to form on Freya's face.

" Hi Johnny," Freya beamed. " So, how's it going? " Freya awkwardly asked

" Shit. Real shitty " Tony replied with a sigh. 

" What happened? " Freya asked with furrowed brows, leaning her elbows on the table

" Kane ordered a population reduction." Nancy spoke with pain in her eyes.

" No. Why would he do that? " Freya stressed 

" Oxygen levels were low. It was the last thing we had to do to survive, " Tony replied, his voice low and grave

" You agreed! " Freya practically yelled." How many? "

" Three-hundred " Johnathan scratched the back of his head. 

" Oh my god! " Freya laughed out humorlessly. Her breathing quickened from her raising anger, and her chest tightened 

" Freya, have you taken your meds today? " Nancy asked, seeing her daughters difficult breathing.

" I'm out," Freya mumbled, placing her head in her hands. She was burning up and she didn't like it. She hated feeling hot even when the air was cool 

" They gave you enough to last thirty days! " Tony glanced at his wife with a sincere look on his face. Freya inhaled deeply, trying to calm her racing heart down.

" Five minutes are up," someone yelled on the ark, catching the trio's attention

" we got to go, my dear, we love you." Nancy smiled as they stood up. 

" Yeah, i love you too," Freya mumbled before leaving the tent. Once she was outside, her eyes looked around for a brunette girl she had missed. " Raven " 

Smiling, Raven looked up at Freya. " Hey Fre! " Freya pulled raven into a tight hug, needing a little comfort after seeing her family for the first time for so little time. 

" I'm still a little confused on how you're here, though," Freya chuckled when the two pulled away from each other. 

" Abby had me fix up a pod to launch here. Kane wanted to do a population reduction, and the only way to stop it was by letting them know the earth was survivable. " Raven started as freya felt a sinking feeling in her gut 

Baby - Bellamy BlakeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant