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Days passed and the initial shock of the unexpected news began to settle, your mind buzzed with thoughts of how to share the life-changing revelation with Toji. Each passing moment brought with it a new wave of excitement and apprehension, mingled with the anticipation of his reaction.
Sitting in the comfort of your home, surrounded by the familiar warmth and familiarity of your surroundings, you pondered over the myriad of ways to break the news to Toji.

Should it be a grand gesture, filled with fanfare and celebration, or a quiet moment shared between just the two of you?
With each passing idea, you found yourself caught between the desire to make the moment special and the fear of overwhelming Toji with the weight of the news. After all, this was a moment that would change both of your lives forever, and you wanted it to be perfect.

As you mulled over the possibilities, a plan began to take shape in your mind. A simple yet heartfelt gesture that would capture the essence of your love and the joyous news you had to share. With determination in your heart, you set to work, preparing for the momentous occasion ahead.

"Princess you okay?" Toji walks in your shared room, getting ready to take a shower. Currently Megumi is asleep and you're reading in bed.

The boys haven't let you do much around the house since you've been in hospital, you say they're being too dramatic but they don't see it like that, hence you having to stay in bed most of the day. Toji out of all of you is enjoying that the most as he often comes and lays by you, enjoying your presence.

"I'm okay baby, just boredddddd" you sigh. he laughs and walks towards you, whilst taking his shirt off. You obviously stare in awe, no matter how many times you've seen him like this, you cannot stop your jaw from opening.

He sees you and smirks, "wanna shower with me?" his hand comes up to yours and takes your book from you, putting it on the bedside table.

You smile and shake your head, "I am feeling slightly lightheaded although...i'd love to see you shower" he nods slowly and leans toward you and kisses your temple.

Smiling, you inhale a deep breath, it's evident there's a lot on your mind but luckily he doesn't catch it. "once i shower, do you wanna go to the store and get some groceries with me and Megumi?"

"omg yes!" he laughs and grabs your hands, kissing your palms and the back of your hand ever so softly. "okay baby, stay ready" you nod and let him go shower while you slowly get ready.

At the store

Megumi for some reason woke up in a really bad mood, he did wake up himself so you're both confused as to why he's moody.

He's currently on the trolley seat groaning constantly calling 'mama' or 'dada' if you don't listen. Luckily for you, he's not a screaming baby, he knows to stay quiet but he does throw tantrums.

"Megumi stop crying" You tell him, and he pouts and looks away from you. Toji beside you lets out a little chuckle but ignores Megumi.

"Mama! i wan ice ceem!!" he yells not 3 seconds later of 'ignoring' you. "sshh, you can't get it if you're going to be a bad boy" you tell him but not look at him.

"Princess, does he have enough diapers at home? I don't remember seeing another pack" Toji's picking up a diaper pack but it's the wrong size for Megumi. You laugh and nod "we don't but that's the complete wrong size babe"

He widens his eyes and looks at what he's holding "oh...yeah he's older now..." You pout and go to him, tiptoeing to kiss his cheek. "yeah Toji he's older now...he's going to keep growing..." you frown looking back at Megumi.

Who is trying to ignore you and Toji at this moment, only because he's not getting his way with anything. You didn't realise but he actually is growing too fast and it makes you more upset than anything. Toji aswell is feeling the same emotions, he's never one to show it but seeing his son grow is not something he wants right now.

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