Dont leave me

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Hours had melded into each other, the evening sky transitioning into the deep, quiet hues of night. Megumi's gentle breathing had been your only company, a soft, rhythmic reminder of why you were here. But that tranquility shattered when his whimpers cut through the silence, escalating into full-blown cries that pulled you from your thoughts.

You rushed to his side, your heart twisting at the sight of his discomfort. It didn't take long for you to notice the drool and the way he gnawed on his fingers—a clear sign of teething. With gentle, reassuring words, you tried to soothe him, offering teething rings that were cold to the touch, hoping to ease his pain. His intermittent cries and fussiness filled the apartment, a stark contrast to the usual peaceful atmosphere.

Toji's absence hung heavy in the air, his side of the bed untouched, the silence of his phone echoing louder than the ticking clock. Attempts to reach him only led to the haunting beep of an unanswered call, each one amplifying your concern and the growing unease.

The hours ticked by mercilessly, each one stretching longer than the last. By the time the clock's hands pointed towards 3 a.m., exhaustion had seeped into your bones, yet sleep remained elusive, chased away by worry and unanswered questions.

Then, the sound of the door unlocking broke the monotony of your vigil. Toji stepped in, the early hours of the morning doing little to hide the weariness etched into his features. His eyes, usually so clear and determined, now held a turbulence that immediately set you on edge.

Before words could escape your lips, he raised his hand in a silent plea for patience. "I know what you're thinking," he began, his voice heavy with an unspoken apology. "It wasn't what I wanted. The evening... it got complicated."

You watched him, a mix of relief and residual frustration battling within. Megumi's soft sighs from his crib reminded you of the immediacy of the present, grounding you.

Toji took a hesitant step forward, the distance between you charged with the night's untold stories. "She needed protection," he explained, the weight of his duty as a bodyguard evident in his tone. "It wasn't a date, not really. Just a job that took longer than expected."

The silence that followed was a testament to the complexity of your feelings, a tangled web of relief, frustration, and lingering doubts. Yet, the sight of him standing there, weary yet earnest, eased the tightness in your chest.

"I trust you," you found yourself saying, the words more for your own reassurance than his. His shoulders visibly relaxed at your response, a silent gratitude in his eyes.

The night's ordeal seemed to momentarily fade as you focused on the more immediate concern. "Megumi's teething," you informed him, a soft sigh escaping you as you recounted the hours of soothing and comforting.

Toji's gaze softened at the mention of his son, a flicker of guilt passing through his eyes for not being there. He moved towards Megumi's crib, a tender smile gracing his lips as he watched his son sleep peacefully, unaware of the night's turmoil.

The early morning hours found you both in a state of quiet reflection, the events of the night slowly receding as you focused on the present. Toji's return had brought a sense of normalcy, a reminder of the unconventional family you had become.

"Do you wanna stay the night?" He breaks the silence and walks toward his dresser, taking off his blazer slowly.

"Hm? I don't know.." you don't know why but you feel hostile toward the man, he didn't do anything wrong. He's just...all of a sudden shady

"Y/n please" he turns toward you now, stoic expression back on his face, he does look quite scary but you're used to it now. "Don't push me away right now, let's talk, please"

You only sigh, do you even want to listen to him right now. You have to give him a chance to explain.

"Not here" you walk to the living room just after he explains how he'll just take a quick shower and change clothes and he'll see you in the living room.

You decide to make your self a snack while he cleans up, you've been wanting something sweet for some time so you go through his cupboards and find something.

"Hey, I'm done"

You both go to the living room and sit opposite each other, he knows you have some sort of mood right now and he really doesn't want to trigger it anymore, he's already come home so late and he didn't answer any of your calls or anything.
You can barely even look at him, you don't even know why you're acting like this, he's not your husband, not even your boyfriend so you shouldn't be doing this.


He can barely utter a word before getting cut off by you, "Toji what do you do?"

His eyes only widen at your forwardness, nothing he isn't used to though, it seems as if this question makes him nervous though.

It's been more than 5 months of knowing each other now, you'd think he can be honest with you, as you have been with him for the most part. You're practically his son's mum at this point so what else is there between you guys.

"Listen...before I tell you everything, please don't leave me."

This only causes you to widen your eyes and gasp slightly, what could he possibly say that would make you leave him and your son.

"I'm a hitman"

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