Im scared

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The revelation hung in the air between you both like a dense fog, impenetrable and chilling. "A hitman?" The word tasted bitter on your tongue, echoing through the room with a gravity that seemed to pull the very air down. For a moment, everything was still—too still—like the world itself had paused to grasp the weight of Toji's confession.

After knowing him for some time, you never knew these words would leave his mouth, he hid this...for how long? There isn't a way to describe how you feel right now.

He had said it so matter-of-factly, as if disclosing a mundane detail of his life rather than a profession steeped in shadows and danger. His gaze, unwavering and earnest, searched yours for a reaction, any sign of the tumult that was surely mirrored in your own eyes.

For a long time, neither of you spoke. The silence wasn't peaceful; it was charged, heavy with the weight of a thousand unasked questions and fears. Finally, you found your voice, though it sounded small and fragile in the vastness of what had just been revealed. "How long?" The question was a whisper, a plea for something, anything, that might make this make sense.

Toji's jaw set, "10 years and counting" the stoicism in his face cracking just slightly to reveal the hint of vulnerability beneath. "Yes. It''s been a while."

The words seemed inadequate, a stark understatement of the decade spent in the dark underbelly of society, a world away from the normalcy and simplicity you had known. Your mind raced, trying to reconcile the man before you, the man who had shown you nothing but kindness and protection, with the image of a hitman, a bringer of death.

"You've been hiding," you stated, the realization dawning on you. His nod, this time, was more resigned, an acknowledgment of the dual life he had been leading. "This apartment," you continued, your voice gaining strength as the pieces fell into place, "it's part of it, isn't it? A cover."

Another nod, and with it, a heaviness seemed to settle over him, a burden he had carried alone for far too long. "Yes. It's...complicated. But, please, understand that you and Megumi are not in danger. I've made sure of that. I've been making sure of that, literally the moment I laid eyes on you"

His assurance, meant to comfort, did little to quell the storm of emotions raging within you. Fear, certainly, for the dangers his lifestyle could bring. Worry, for what this meant for you both, for the future. But beneath it all, a thread of compassion, a realization of the loneliness and isolation such a life must entail.

"Toji, I..." Your voice trailed off, unsure of what to say. How does one respond to such a revelation? With anger? Fear? Sympathy? Perhaps all three. "Why tell me now?" you finally asked, the question at the forefront of your mind.

He sighed, a sound heavy with emotion. "Because I can't...I can't keep hiding this from you. Not when about you and Megumi so much." The admission, spoken so softly, so vulnerably, struck a chord within you.

The intensity of the moment, the raw honesty in Toji's eyes, broke down the last of your defenses. The fear, the shock, it was all still there, but so was something else—a deep, unwavering connection to this man who, despite the darkness in his life, had shown you nothing but kindness.

"Toji, I'm scared," you admitted, your voice trembling with the magnitude of your emotions. "Scared of what this means, of the danger, of the unknown. But..." you paused, gathering your courage, "but I'm also here. I'm not going anywhere."

The relief that washed over him was palpable, a visible release of tension that had him sagging slightly, as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. "Thank you," he whispered, reaching for your hand. His grasp was warm, grounding, a lifeline in the tumultuous sea of your conversation.

You talked for hours after that, delving into the details he could share, the risks and the precautions, the life he led in the shadows. With each word, each shared secret, you felt the gap between you narrowing, a bridge being built over the chasm that his confession had opened.

He had asked for consent before telling you any details of who and what he's killed in the past, he also explained he wouldn't kill for no reason, which for some reason made your heart at ease slightly. He kills but not for fun, that's good right?

Toji also explained how he didn't choose this lifestyle but 10 years in, he doesn't mind it now and it's who he is, neither of which you question but you do doubt your people skills. You opened your arms for him the moment you met him because he was a hot dad, maybe you need to rethink how you meet people.

By the time the first light of dawn began to seep through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room, a decision had been made. The path would be fraught with dangers, both known and unknown, but the alternative—life without each other—was unthinkable at this point.

As the sun rose, casting long shadows across the room, you watched Toji with a new understanding. He was a man divided, caught between the darkness of his profession and the light of his desire for a normal life with you. It was a balance fraught with peril, but one he was determined to maintain.

In the end, it was his plea that stayed with you, echoing in the quiet moments, a constant reminder of the stakes. "Please don't leave me." Four words that encapsulated all his fears, all his hopes.

And you, in turn, made a silent vow. To stand by him, though you haven't known him for that long, you can't begin to think to part ways with him.

"Y/n I-"

*baby cries*


Toji🫢🫢 damn
What will happen next 😈

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