Emotional rollercoaster

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Weeks later

Everyone has pretty much gone back into routine now. Suguru still has to commute back to school here and there but it's not a bother for him, but you haven't spent enough time with him recently. Luckily school holidays are coming up so you're planning some fun things to do.

Satoru has been tutoring and picked up a night job at a lab, they needed the help and he has the skills to help. He seems to be enjoying it quite a lot which makes you happy.

Toji hasn't been taking a lot of 'hitman' jobs recently, which caught you by surprise but maybe there isn't any- you didn't think too much of it because he still has another job on the side which you don't worry about.

Megumi is learning more and more everyday, he climbs stairs now, he hasn't gotten out of the running stage. He knows how to form a couple sentences here and there and he's also getting super close to Yuji who visits quite often.

As Yuji and Megumi slowly become friends, you've gotten to know Jin more too. He's such a humble guy and very sweet to you. Although Toji has told him he has his eye on him, Jin only humoured it as a light joke. But to be fair you know Toji would kill anyone that would come between you two.

You on the other hand haven't found anything to do yet, no passion apart from loving and raising Megumi. You've tried your hobbies and trying new things but nothings caught your eye. The boys do love that you're always home welcoming them everyday though. You love it too, a full house and having fun with the people you love.

Today is a Friday so you're all going to go out for dinner, including Yuji and Jin. You're in your room getting ready, nothing too over the top but still cute. You've been feeling sick all day but you're sure it's because you ate something that was off the night before. Even thinking about it makes you nauseous.

"Princess you ready?!" you hear Toji call from downstairs. "nearly give me a minute!" you yell back, hearing the other men chuckle. You only roll your eyes and finish up then make your way downstairs.

"There's my gorgeous baby" Toji strides toward you, but you stop him with a hand on his chest. "stop it, your perfume is making me sick" you make a face and walk to Megumi to put his jacket on.

Satoru giggles as he watches the scene unfold in front of him. Suguru only widens his eyes slightly, thinking how could you say that. "did something happen today sweetie" he playfully asks you, while helping you with Megumi.

"no and stop calling me nicknames it's annoying" you retort and take Megumi to your lap so Suguru can't touch him. He feels offended slightly but knows not to bother you anymore.

In the car now, Satoru is driving, Toji is up front and Suguru is in the back with you and Megumi. You don't talk to any of them the whole way there, only babbling with Megumi who's loving all the attention.

As the car glided through the city streets toward the restaurant, you couldn't shake off the feeling of unease gnawing at you. Despite the lively chatter around you, your mind was preoccupied with the persistent nausea and the unsettling thought that something might be amiss.

Suguru glanced at you from beside you, concern etched in his features. "Are you feeling alright?" he asked softly, his voice breaking through the bubble of silence you had enveloped yourself in.
You managed a weak smile, attempting to mask your discomfort. "Just a little off today, nothing to worry about," you replied, though even to your own ears, the assurance sounded hollow.

Toji shot a quick glance at you through the rearview mirror, his brow furrowing in concern. "Should we take you home instead?" he suggested, with genuine worry.
You shook your head, forcing yourself to stay composed. "No, I'll be fine," you insisted, though the urge to retreat to the safety of home was strong.

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