New beginnings?

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"I bought us a house"

You frozen in place, not processing what he's just said to you.

As the snow continues to fall softly around you, Toji's words hang in the air, leaving you speechless. Your heart swells with a mixture of disbelief and overwhelming gratitude as you try to process the enormity of what he's just revealed.

"A house?" you finally manage to whisper, your voice filled with incredulity.

Toji's grin widens, his eyes sparkling with pride. "Yep, a little place just for us. I've been working on it for a while now, and I finally managed to seal the deal yesterday."

You're stunned. Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine Toji would take such a monumental step without consulting you first. Yet, here he stands, radiating confidence and happiness, his love for you evident in every word and gesture.

Satoru and Suguru exchange glances, their expressions unreadable. Despite their attempts to mask it, a hint of jealousy lingers in their eyes as they watch the exchange between you and Toji.

"Congratulations, Toji," Satoru says, forcing a smile. "That's quite the surprise."

Suguru nods in agreement, though his features remain stoic. "Indeed. It's... unexpected."

Toji shrugs nonchalantly, though you catch the flicker of satisfaction in his gaze. "Well, what can I say? I wanted to do something special for my favorite girl and our little guy." You can't tell yet if he's doing this in spite or actually trying to be nice...

You can feel the tension in the air, the unspoken unease between Satoru, Suguru, and Toji. While you're overwhelmed with gratitude towards Toji for his gesture, you can't help but sense the underlying apprehension from the other two.

You all head back in now, and get ready for and early dinner in which you are cooking tonight.

As the afternoon wears on and the sun begins to dip below the horizon, you find yourself lost in thought, contemplating the implications of Toji's surprise. A new house means a fresh start, a chance to build a future for Megumi away from the complexities of your current living situation.

Megumi's laughter pierces through your reverie, drawing your attention back to the present. He's oblivious to the tension brewing among the adults, his innocent joy a stark contrast to the underlying turmoil.

You make a mental note to talk to Toji later, to express your gratitude and discuss the logistics of moving into the new house. But for now, you push aside your worries and immerse yourself in the moment, reveling in the simple joys of spending time with your loved ones in the midst of a winter wonderland.

As the snowflakes continue to fall, blanketing the world in a pristine layer of white, you can't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within you.

The savory aroma of spices fills the air, mingling with the sound of Megumi's gleeful laughter echoing from the living room.

Toji sits at the kitchen table, a beer in hand, his eyes fixed on you with a mixture of adoration and amusement. "You know, you're quite the chef, sweetheart," he remarks, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

You smile, grateful for his presence and his unwavering support. "Thanks, Toji. I'm just trying to make something good for you guys."

He nods appreciatively, taking a sip of his beer as he watches you work. "Well, you're doing a damn fine job of it."

In the living room, Satoru and Suguru sit in silence, their expressions guarded as they exchange occasional glances. There's an undeniable tension in the air, a palpable undercurrent of unresolved emotions simmering beneath the surface.

Suguru clears his throat, breaking the silence with a forced casualness. "So, Toji, how did you manage to find a house so quickly?"

Toji shrugs nonchalantly, though you catch the fleeting look of satisfaction in his eyes. "Just happened to stumble upon the perfect place, I guess. Sometimes luck is on your side."

Satoru raises an eyebrow, his tone laced with skepticism. "Seems more like good timing than luck, if you ask me."

Toji's smile falters slightly, a hint of defensiveness creeping into his voice. "Hey, I worked hard to make it happen. It's not like I had it handed to me on a silver platter."

You glance up from your cooking, sensing the tension escalating between the three men. "Guys, let's not ruin the mood, okay?"

Satoru and Suguru exchange a knowing glance, their expressions softening slightly at your words. "You're right, y/n," Satoru concedes, offering you a reassuring smile. "We should focus on enjoying the evening."

You nod in agreement, though you can't shake the feeling of unease that lingers in the air. Despite your efforts to maintain a sense of normalcy, the underlying tension between Toji, Satoru, and Suguru remains palpable, casting a shadow over the otherwise festive atmosphere.

You can hear Megumi calling "mama" from the living room, but as your cooking you look to Toji so he can go and tend to Megumi, he nods in understanding and goes to check on the baby.

As the four of you gather around the dining table, the tension in the air is palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife. Toji takes a sip of his beer, his gaze flickering between Satoru and Suguru, who sit on opposite ends of the table, their expressions guarded.

You take a deep breath, determined to diffuse the tension and salvage the evening. "Let's dig in, everyone," you say, mustering a cheerful tone despite the knot of anxiety tightening in your chest.

Toji nods in agreement, though his eyes betray a hint of apprehension. "Sounds good to me."

As you begin to serve the food, Megumi squirms in his high chair, his tiny hands reaching out to grab fistfuls of food. You chuckle softly, gently admonishing him as you try to coax him into eating properly.

"Megumi, sweetheart, we don't throw food," you say, your voice gentle but firm as you clean up the mess he's made.

Toji watches the exchange with a fond smile, his eyes softening as he gazes at you and Megumi. "He takes after you, y/n. Stubborn as ever."

You laugh, the tension easing slightly as you exchange a playful glance with Toji. "He definitely got that from me."

Satoru and Suguru remain silent, their expressions unreadable as they focus on their food. Despite your efforts to lighten the mood, the underlying tension lingers, casting a shadow over the otherwise jovial atmosphere.

As the meal progresses, conversation remains sparse, punctuated only by the occasional clink of silverware against plates. You find yourself searching for words, struggling to bridge the gap between you and the men who hold your heart.

Suguru clears his throat, breaking the uneasy silence with a hesitant voice. "So, y/n, have you thought about when you'll be moving into the new house?"

You nod, grateful for the change in topic. "Ermm well, we haven't really spoken about all of that yet..."

Satoru raises an eyebrow, his tone cautious. "And what about us? Are we expected to move in too?"

Your heart for some reason breaks at this, you didn't realise how much is going to change, what is going to happen. How are you going to sort this all out.

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