XXVIII. Honesty Coin

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The rest of the weekend was quiet and normal for Y/n. Despite the intimate encounter he had shared with Kirari, the rest of their interactions were mostly related to gambling, although Kirari never missed the opportunity to remind Y/n that he was in debt to her, while also leaving some other suggestive phrase for him. Yumeko's name remained unspoken. This weekend had allowed Y/n to feel a sense of familiarity with Kirari, somehow, outside the academic sphere, she was not the same, she was just as imposing, but in some way more human, if that made sense.

Y/n woke up in the dim light of his darkened room. It was already Monday morning, the mandatory weekend with Kirari was coming to an end. It was time to return to the Academy. Lying in bed with his eyes open, still in the dark, he began to collect his thoughts. And it was inevitable that the question if his time with Kirari had been a mere form of his entertainment or if she was telling the truth and found it interesting, came to his mind.

Y/n sat on the edge of his bed, rubbing his eyes as he prepared to open the curtains and let in the morning light. Just before he could get up, the door to his room creaked open and Kirari's soft voice greeted him from the doorway.

Kirari: Good morning, darling.

Y/n turned to look at her with a hint of surprise.

Y/n: What are you doing here so early?

Kirari replied softly, her voice rather soothing.

Kirari: It's time to get ready for the Academy. There's a uniform waiting for you in the bathroom. Shower, get dressed, have breakfast and we'll go to the Academy together. My chauffeur will drive us.

Y/n nodded, still overwhelmed by the hour.

Y/n: All right then. Are you ready?

Kirari: Yes, I am. I'm just waiting for you. Ririka is already gone, it's just the two of us. Well, get ready darling. We have a busy day ahead of us.

Rising from the bed, he stretched before beginning to gather himself for the day ahead. After a quick shower and dressing in the uniform provided, Y/n joined Kirari in the dining room where a light breakfast awaited them. Kirari sat gracefully sipping her tea while Y/n ate quietly. As Y/n ate his breakfast, he couldn't help but glance at Kirari, who seemed unusually composed this morning, as if the fact that it was a school day had caused Kirair to revert to her more presidential self, so to speak.

Y/n: Kirari, I was wondering... will it be alright if people see us arriving together in your car?

Kirari: Why do you ask, darling?

Y/n paused, unsure how to articulate his thoughts. He met Kirari's gaze.

Y/n: I just thought... It might attract attention. People might talk.

Kirari's smile was enigmatic, her eyes playful.

Kirari: Let them talk, darling. Sooner or later we're bound to be the talk of the town.

Y/n finished his breakfast quickly, and as soon as it was finished, the car arrived at the door of Kirari's villa. Y/n followed Kirari outside, where the sleek black car was waiting for her. The chauffer opened the car door for Kirari and she slid gracefully in, motioning for Y/n to sit next to her, who took a seat and behind him the chauffer closed the door for them before setting off for the Academy. The atmosphere in the car was palpably tense, a silence hanging between Y/n and Kirari. Y/n cleared his throat, the sound echoing in the enclosed space, before finally speaking.

Y/n: So, um, why didn't Ririka wait for us?

Kirari: Darling, you forget that the rest of the people in the academy don't know that we are sisters. If they saw us coming together, they might start speculating and she would rather keep her identity a secret for now.

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