XII. Heart cascade

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Yumeko tucked the letter into her pocket as she gently pulled Y/n along, urging him towards Yumemite's room.

Yumeko: Come on, Y/n-kun, we have to hurry up to talk to Yumemi. We have to gamble after. You promised.

Y/n: I didn't promise a thing, Yumeko.

Yumeko: Maybe you didn't, but you want to gamble too.

Y/n: You never change Yumeko, do you?

Yumeko: Why would I? You already like me like this.

Y/n: I won't be the one denying that.

He grabbed onto her hand stronger and hurried up his steps to match hers.

Y/n: Come on, Yumeko-san, we will gamble after.

Excitment had already started to grow inside her. For some reason, the idea of gambling with Y/n was more intriguing than the idea of risking her freedom against Yumemi. They continued walking through the corridors, as they arrived, they were greeted by Yumemite's personal assistant, who checked them in before allowing them entry. As they stepped inside, they saw a woman with her back to the door, she had long hair that was a mix of red and pink color. She turned around to face them. She had stars in her cheeks.

Yumeko: Hello, Yumemi. I hope we're not interrupting anything.

Yumemi: Not at all, dear! I always have time for my guests.

Yumeko: Actually, I received a very interesting letter earlier.

Yumeko takes out the letter and hands it to Yumemi

Yumemi: Ah, the challenge. I suppose you have come to answer me.

Yumeko: I couldn't help but notice your fame as an idol. It must be quite exhausting to have somany fans clamouring for your attention.

Yumemi: It can be overwhelming sometimes, but I wouldn't change it for anything. My fans mean everything to me.

Yumeko: I can imagine. After all, fans are the basis of an idol's popularity. By the way, could you sign this for Ryota? He's a big fan of yours.

Yumemi: Absolutely! Anything for a fan like Ryota.

Yumeko: Though something tells me that deep down you actually hate your fans.

Yumemi: You think you know everything, don't you? Well, let me tell you something, Yumeko. My fans are everything to me, but they're also the reason I can't breathe! They're like a bunch of greedy pigs, always demanding more and more, never satisfied with what they have!

Yumeko couldn't help but giggle at her outburst.

Yumeko: Ara-ara, such strong words.

Yumemi: Don't you dare laugh at me! You have no idea what it's like to be judged by thousands of people all the time!

Yumeko: Well, enough about that. Let's talk about the game. I accept. But I think it's only fair that we change the terms a little. If you win, I will join your lifestyle. And if I win... well, let's just say I've got a little tape that might interest your fans.

Yumemi's face paled as Yumeko's words sank in, she regained her composure and defended her position.

Yumemi: You have nothing!

But Yumeko's mischievous grin only widened as she pulled a small recording device out of her pocket and pressed play to reveal Yumemi's words.

Yumemi: W-what is this? You... you can't have that! You were searched when you came in!

Yumeko's laughter was like a melody of mischief as she watched Yumemi's distress.

Yumeko: Oh, but I do. Looks like your little outburst was caught on tape.

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