VII. Punished

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3rd Pov

It was Monday, and the rest of the weekend had passed normally. Nothing else special had happened after Yumeko's little "class". Y/n had arrived much earlier than usual at the academy. He entered through its doors and walked through the corridors in search of the president's office. Once there he knocked on the door cordially. He heard voices arguing on the other side of the piece of wood, but was unable to decipher any of the words spoken. The voices quieted down, a brief silence ensued and after a few seconds Sayaka opened the door. Her eyes looked teary. It was not apparently noticeable but after briefly and quickly analyzing her expression, her posture, slightly crestfallen, shoulders slightly shrugged and eyes a tad red, he could almost be sure that she had argued with the president and therefore her state.

Y/n: Good morning, is the president here? I'd like to talk to her, if it can't be right now I'll come back later.

Kirari: I am here, please come in. Oh and, Sayaka, leave us alone.

Sayaka without saying anything left the office. Y/n passed and closed the door. He walked over to the couch Kirari was directing him to sit on. She sat down on the couch in front of him.

Kirari: What a surprise to receive a visit so soon, what brings you here?

Y/n: Can't I come to see the president for no particular reason?

Kirari: Whoever comes to see me always wants something. Whether it is to eliminate the pet system, to not give them a life plan or to forgive their debts. But you don't have any of that, so tell me, what brings you here?

Y/n: Well, fair enough. I would like to negotiate about my punishment and the fact that I have to gamble before the end of this Thursday. I would like to delay it until the following Monday.

Kirari: I'm afraid not, I have to stand by my words. I hope your stroke is better though, it looked bad the other day in the infirmary.

Y/n: Yes, it is better, thank you for the concern. But, back to my request, how about if you delay it until Monday but in exchange you choose who I bet with?

The proposal took her by surprise. She didn't understand why Y/n would come to an academy where betting is fundamental and then delay it as long as possible. She knew there had to be a reason, but she didn't know it, nor had she figured it out even though she had asked Sayaka to look into it, and that mystery intrigued her.

Kirari: Well, then, until Monday it will be, but you will bet against me.

Contrary to Kirari's expectations, Y/n was neither startled nor surprised, he just smiled honestly. He had gotten what he wanted, more time and the certainty that he would face her.

Y/n: Thank you very much, seito kaichou. I am sure it will be a good gamble.

Kirari: You don't look scared, but happy, why?

Y/n: What should I be afraid of someone who's so attentive to me?

Kirari: Attentive to you?

Y/n: Isn't that so? You sent Sayaka to watch Yumeko and me this past Friday, didn't you? By the way, that girl is very loyal to you, I'd even venture to say that she's madly in love with you.

Kirari: She's not that loyal to me if she didn't follow my orders and you found her out.

Y/n: Don't be so hard on her, she didn't tell us anything. Actually it was just a guess whether you sent her or not, you just confirmed it.

Y/n didn't know why he lied for Sayaka, maybe simple empathy, pity, or just the ability for Sayaka to somehow be indebted to him. Kirari then stood up and went to her aquarium, to observe it.

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