XI. Echoes of Challenge

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3rd Pov

As they exited the President's office, Yumeko gripped Y/n's hand tightly, her fingers intertwining with his as she pulled him along the corridor towards her classroom. There was a subtle urgency in her movements, a silent plea to hurry, but Y/n's pace remained steady, his steps measured as he walked beside her.

Suddenly, Y/n came to an abrupt halt, bringing Yumeko to a halt as well, her hand still clasped in his. With a light tug, he brought her close, his height giving him a vantage point as he looked down at her. Their eyes met, Y/n's crimson gaze locked with Yumeko's, a silent understanding passing between them.

Y/n: There's no need to rush, Yumeko. The bell hasn't rung yet.

Yumeko's cheeks flushed slightly, a soft blush colouring her features as she smiled up at him, her eyes bright with warmth and affection.

Yumeko: I know, I just don't want you to get class late.

Y/n: Sure is that?

Yumeko: Perhaps...or perhaps not. Do you want to bet for it?

Y/n's eyes focused on a stray strand of hair on Yumeko's face. With a tender smile, he reached out, his fingertips gently brushing the errant strand away from her features, tucking it behind her ear with a gentle and deliberate motion. Y/n's hand continued its journey, trailing down to the nape of her neck where his hand rested. His touch was tender yet possessive, conveying a quiet reassurance of his presence.

Leaning closer, Y/n's lips brushed against the bowl of her ear, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine as he whispered to her.

Y/n: Oh, darling, I think you're forgetting, or ignoring, how our last bet ended. Or is it .... that you want to repeat it?

As Y/n's warm breath caressed her ear and his words washed over her, Yumeko felt a tidal wave of emotions surge through her, running through her whole body. Her heart fluttered erratically in her chest, its rapid rhythm echoing the turmoil inside her. A shiver ran down her spine, sending tingles of excitement dancing across her skin. Her breath caught in her throat, her chest rising and falling with each fluttering breath. She felt a sudden flush of warmth flood her cheeks, the heat of her own blush betraying the intensity of her emotions.

Yumeko: Y/n-san, let's gamble today at the break.

As Y/n leaned down to whisper into Yumeko's ear, their moment was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Sayaka crossing the corridor. Her eyes widened in surprise as she witnessed the tender exchange between them, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. Despite her initial shock, there was a hint of happiness in Sayaka's expression, as if witnessing their affectionate interaction had sparked a glimmer of hope in her heart. The realisation that Y/n and Yumeko might have a deeper relationship brought a sense of relief, as it hinted at the possibility that Kirari's obsession with Y/n might finally come to an end.

When Sayaka entered the President's office, her hopeful fantasies were quickly shattered by the stark reality before her. Kirari sat at her desk, surrounded by papers and documents, all bearing Y/n's name. Sayaka's heart sank as she realised the extent of Kirari's obsession with Y/n. Despite her determination to uncover every detail about him, each attempt only led her down a path of frustration and dead ends. Kirari's relentless pursuit of information about Y/n served as a reminder of the barrier that stood between Sayaka and her platonic love.

Sayaka: Miss President, what are the matters and the plans for today?

Kirari: I'll be absent from the academy for a few days.

Kirari sat behind her desk, her posture regal and commanding as she delivered the news of her impending absence. The room seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment, the weight of responsibility settling on Sayaka's shoulders.

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