XX. Pawns in motion

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Y/n descended the steps from the roof, following behind Kirari, his eyes glued to her back as if he could read her plans there. As soon as they reached the door of his classroom, the presence of the Kirari was enough to draw gasps from the students inside, their eyes widening in awe as the President stood before them. Without hesitation, Kirari pushed open the door, the sudden creaking of the hinges echoing through the room as all eyes turned to her. The teacher, a middle-aged man with a stern expression, looked up from his desk, his surprise evident as he took in the unexpected visitor.

Teacher: President Kirari, what brings you here?

Kirari's voice was firm and authoritative as she addressed the teacher, her gaze unwavering as she spoke.

Kirari: I'm here to make sure that Y/n will suffer no consequences for his absence from class. It was a personal matter that required his attention, and I will not tolerate any punishment against him.

The teacher hesitated for a moment, taken aback by the whole situation and her commanding tone, but immediately nodded in understanding, not even daring to ask about the situation or why such a decision had been taken.

Teacher: Understood, President Kirari. I will make sure there are no repercussions for Y/n's absence.

As Kirari turned to leave the classroom, a hushed murmur swept through the students, whispers rippling like waves on the sea. One student leaned over to another, their voices barely above a whisper as they exchanged excited speculation.

Student 1: Did you see that? The President just came in and defended Y/n.

Student 2: Yeah, it's not every day that the President gets involved with students like that. In fact, it's the first time I've seen it.

Student 3: Maybe Y/n was in trouble, but why should the President care?

Teacher: All right, settle down, everyone. Let's get back to our lesson.

As the murmurs gradually subsided, Y/n entered the classroom, his presence momentarily overshadowed by the lingering intrigue sparked by Kirari's unexpected visit. He made his way to his seat, the weight of the day's events settling upon him as he settled into his chair. The remaining lessons of the day passed slowly, each minute feeling like an eternity as Y/n's mind wandered, preoccupied with thoughts of Kirari's cryptic actions and the looming confrontation with the Bami clan. Despite the distraction, he managed to focus enough to get through the remaining classes, albeit with a sense of relief as the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.

Before Y/n could gather his belongings, Yumeko appeared at his desk, her excitement palpable as she practically leaped into his arms, wrapping him in a tight embrace. Y/n was momentarily taken aback by her sudden enthusiasm, but he returned the embrace, holding her close as a sense of warmth flooded through him, momentarily pushing aside the weight of his worries.

Y/n: Did you miss me that much?

Yumeko pulled away slightly from the hug, pouting as she looked up at him.

Yumeko: Of course, silly. I always miss you when we're apart. But where have you been? I was worried.

Her concern was evident in her eyes, and Y/n's heart swelled with affection. He cupped her cheek gently, brushing his thumb across her skin.

Y/n: I was just up on the roof, lost track of time.

Yumeko's pout deepened and she leaned into his touch, seeking reassurance.

Yumeko: The roof? Alone? You could've told me. What if something had happened to you?

Y/n pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment.

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