XVIII. Tangled in the web of control

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Sunday passed uneventfully for Y/n, much like any other day. There were no significant developments or major events to disrupt the usual routine. Before he knew it, Monday morning had arrived and he was on his way to the gates of the Academy. As Y/n approached the gates of the Academy, his attention was drawn to Yumeko, Ryota and Mary. They were standing together, deep in conversation, with a piece of paper in their hands. Intrigued, Y/n quickened his pace to join them, his curiosity piqued by the sight before him.

Y/n: Hey, what's going on?

Yumeko looked up, her eyes bright with excitement as she greeted him with a soft kiss.

Yumeko: Good morning handsome. Look here. Doesn't it sound exciting?

She handed him the paper on their hands, he read it carefully.


Dear Valued Student,

You are hereby invited to an evening of masked intrigue and challenge at the prestigious Masquerade Challenge. It will be held at the Academy this coming Friday, starting at 9pm. Dress in your finest attire and wear your most captivating masks, for tonight anonymity will be your greatest asset.

We look forward to seeing you at the Masquerade Challenge, where every move counts and victory lies behind a mask.

Yours in anticipation,

Kirari Momobami, President of the Academy


He remembered Kirari's words of seeing his love the next friday, so that is what she had planned, organize another masquerade event so he could find her.

Y/n: It certainly sounds exciting

Ryota: From all time I have been here, it's the first time the president do an event as this.

Mary crossed her arms and huffed slightly, her expression betraying her reluctance.

Mary: I suppose it could be entertaining, in a frivolous sort of way. But I fail to see the appeal of wearing masks and dancing around like fools.

Ryota: Um, I-I'm not sure about this, guys. What if we make a fool of ourselves in front of everyone?

Yumeko giggled and squeezed Y/n's arm affectionately, holding on to him.

Yumeko: Oh, don't be silly, Ryota! It's a chance for us to have some fun and maybe even win some bets. Besides, I can't wait to dance all night with Y/n!

Y/n smiled warmly at Yumeko's enthusiasm, feeling a pang of guilt as he realised that while she was excited to dance with him, his mind was still occupied with thoughts of dancing with Snowflake.

Y/n: I'm sure this will be a night to remember, Yumeko.

He looked at Mary and noticed her reluctance with a small chuckle.

Y/n: And come on, Mary. It'll be an adventure. And who knows, you might even enjoy it once we're there.

Mary rolls her eyes.

Mary: Fine, fine. But don't expect me to wear anything too fancy.

As they walked towards the Academy, Yumeko clung to Y/n's arm, her excitement palpable as she chatted animatedly about the upcoming event. Y/n couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm, he loved it when she was so happy. Just as they were about to reach their classroom, they were unexpectedly intercepted by the President herself.

Kirar: Y/n, come with me. I need to talk to you.

Yumeko's grip on Y/n's arm tightened possessively as Kirari addressed him, her eyes flashing with a mixture of jealousy and possessiveness.

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