XXVI. Poker face

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Y/n stepped into the living room, his eyes immediately drawn to Kirari sitting at the table, a deck of cards neatly arranged in front of her. Ririka, on the other hand, was sitting on the sofa, watching some TV while cuddling a pillow, unaware of Y/n's arrival. Y/n approached the table where Kirari was sitting, he couldn't help but admire the way Kirari radiated confidence, her expression unemotional, composed, as if nothing had happened before. He took a seat opposite her, the air crackling with tension as they locked eyes.

Kirari: Ara-ara, darling, so soon here?

Y/n: I guess I couldn't resist the temptation of a game.

Kirari's lips curled into a small smile.

Kirari: That's wonderful, because I was hoping you would join me for a little entertainment.

Y/n's lips twitched into a half-smile as he accepted Kirari's silent invitation to play.

Y/n: Entertainment sounds like exactly what I need right now.

Kirari began to shuffle the deck. He knew that facing Kirari in a game was always a risk, but he was willing to take it. He wasn't going to let her get away so easily, and after all, he was no stranger to high stakes and calculated risks.

Kirari: How about a game of poker, darling? Let's put what you learned today to the test.

Y/n: Then I might already feel the defeat, but well what shall we bet?

Kirari: How about this, darling? If I win, you give me something I want. It could be anything: a secret, your time, another favour... But if you win, I'll give you anything you want. Anything your heart desires, no questions asked.

Y/n: You drive a hard bargain, Kirari. But I accept your challenge, it's always you who says we have unfinished business, but now it's me who says we have it.

Kirari: All right, darling, I hope you make it interesting.

Y/n: Oh, I intend to, Kirari.

With a small smile on her face, Kirari placed 2 tower of 80 chips, one in front each.

Kirari: The chips are just for playing, they have no actual value since we aren't gambling on money.

He could feel the weight of the game settling over them like a heavy cloak. Y/n's gaze lingered on her hands, tracing the graceful movements with a sense of admiration. He couldn't help but marvel at the way she handled the cards, each shuffle and cut executed with a fluidity as if she had been doing it for years. Suddenly she spoke up.

Kirari: Ririka, mind handling for us?

Ririka's voice cut through the room, her tone calm but with a hint of reluctance.

Ririka: Is it really necessary to play right now, Kirari?

Kirari: I think so, Ririka. After all, we have a guest.

Y/n shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling a pang of guilt at the disruption he had caused.

Y/n: We can wait, I don't want to disturb you.

Before he could say anything more, Ririka sighed softly and grabbed the remote.

Ririka: No, it's okay. I'll just turn it off and go, you don't bother.

With a gentle smile, Ririka turned off the TV, got up from the sofa and made her way to the table where Kirari and Y/n were sitting. Kirari handed the deck to Ririka.

Kirari: Ririka, would you do the honour?

Ririka's lips curved into a small smile as she took the deck and shuffled the cards even more. Once satisfied, Ririka looked up at Y/n and Kirari, somehow hiding her shyness and putting on a serious face.

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