XVI. Crossfire

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As Y/n stepped out of the office, he felt the weight of Kirari's intense gaze still in the air, her possessive obsession casting a shadow over his thoughts. Alongside Kirari's presence, the memory of Snowflake, the mysterious girl from the masquerade, danced at the edges of his consciousness, the deal with Kirari bringing back memories of her, her identity still a mystery to him. But in the middle of the confusion and uncertainty, one thing remained steadfast and clear: his unwavering attraction to Yumeko. Her warmth, boundless energy and insane passion for gambling had always drawn him to her, and now was no different. No matter what chaos surrounded him, Yumeko's presence brought a sense of clarity. In her thoughts, he found the peace his mind needed right now.

Y/n navigated the corridors of the Academy, his footsteps echoing in the empty halls. The meeting with Kirari had taken longer than expected. When he reached the gates, he found the academy empty, with no sign of people except for a single figure standing alone. Yumeko was standing at the gate. Despite the late hour and the silence, she waited patiently for him. Her expression brightened when she saw him. Without hesitation, she hurried over and jumped into his arms. At first, Y/n returned the hug, but soon Yumeko sensed something different in him. Her keen intuition picked up the subtle change in his posture, the tension that lingered in his body under her touch. Sensing his discomfort, she drew back slightly, concern etching her features.

Yumeko: Are you all right, Y/n? You seem ... different.

Y/n forced a smile, trying to reassure Yumeko as he struggled to shake off the lingering effects of his encounter with Kirari. He knew that he couldn't burden Yumeko with the complexity of his feelings, especially not now.

Y/n: Oh, it's nothing, Yumeko. Just a long meeting with the President. You know how she can be.

Yumeko's eyebrows are furrowed with worry, her concern is visible in her eyes.

Yumeko: Has something happened?

Y/n: I'm fine, Yumeko. It's nothing, really.

Yumeko: You're not fine, Y/n. You've been acting strange since you met Kirari.

Y/n: Can we not talk about Kirari right now? I don't want to ruin our evening.

Yumeko: But Y/n, you're important to me. If something's bothering you, I want to know.

Y/n: Why can't you just drop it, Yumeko? I don't need your constant nagging.

Yumeko: Nagging? I'm only trying to help you, Y/n.

Y/n: I can't see it.

Yumeko: Y/n, please. I'm here because I care about you.

Y/n's expression softens slightly, a mixture of frustration and gratitude in his eyes.

Y/n: Yeah you are right. I'm sorry for snaping. I appreciate your concern. It's just... complicated.

Yumeko: Whatever it is, we can face it together. Isn't that what couples do? You don't have to carry the burden alone.

Y/n: It's not that easy, Yumeko. Some things... Some things are better not said.

Yumeko: You can trust me, Y/n. I won't judge you. Just let me in.

Y/n: You don't understand, Yumeko. It's complicated.

Yumeko: Then help me to understand, Y/n. Let me be there for you, even if it's just to listen.

Y/n looks into Yumeko's eyes, on the one hand he wants to tell her, for help and honesty, on the other hand he doesn't want to hurt her.

Yumeko: I'm not going to give up on you, Y/n. I care about you too much to just watch you struggle.

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