XIX. The Weight of Temptation

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Y/n wandered through the corridors, his mind buzzing with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He retraced his steps, each footstep echoing off the polished floors as he made his way to the classroom. When he reached the door, Y/n hesitated for a moment, his hand hovering over the handle. He took a deep breath. With a decisive push, he swung the door open, the sudden intrusion drawing the attention of the entire class.

The teacher's eyes flickered to Y/n, a knowing nod of acknowledgement passing between them. He knew the reason for Y/n's absence. With a subtle gesture, the teacher motioned for Y/n to enter, giving him permission to join the class. Y/n's eyes remained fixed on the floor as he made his way to his seat, avoiding the stares of his classmates, including Yumeko's.

When the bell rang, signalling the end of the lesson, Y/n wasted no time in gathering his belongings and leaving the classroom, putting on his headphones and listening to some random music. Yumeko Ryota and Mary exchanged worried glances as they noticed Y/n's abrupt departure. It was unusual for him to be so cold and distant.

Yumeko: Something seems to be wrong with Y/n.

Mary: I've noticed it too. He's been acting strangely ever since he came back from the President's office. He hasn't been paying attention in class.

Yumeko: We should check on him, make sure he's okay.

They quickly left the classroom and searched the corridor for any sign of Y/n. But despite their best efforts, they couldn't find him anywhere. It was as if he had vanished into thin air.

Ryota: Where could he have gone?

Mary: I don't know. Let's split up and cover more ground. Maybe someone has seen him.

Ryota navigated the busy corridors, dodging groups of students engaged in various forms of gambling. Despite the distractions, he remained focused on his mission to find Y/n. However, the corridors seemed deserted, with no sign of his friend. As he walked, he encountered several students who tried to lure him into impromptu games of chance, but Ryota declined each offer. Despite his determination to find Y/n, no one had seen him. Meanwhile, Mary walked down another corridor, her eyes scanning the sea of students milling about. At the end of the corridor she spotted the enigmatic figure of the masked Vice President. With a sense of hope, Mary approached her.

Mary: Excuse me, Vice President. Have you seen Y/N?

Ririka: Oh hello, are you looking for Y/n?

Mary: Yeah, well, he's been acting a bit strange today and I just wanted to make sure he was okay.

Ririka: Strange, you say? Well, I'm afraid I haven't seen him lately. Not for a few days. Maybe he's just preoccupied with something.

Mary: Do you have any idea where he might have gone?

Ririka: I'm afraid not, I haven't seen him, maybe he's wandering around to relax.

Mary: Yes, I suppose you're right. Thank you anyway, Vice President.

With a polite nod, Mary turned away and headed down the other corridor, hoping to find someone who had seen Y/n. On another corridor, Yumeko's presence drew attention as she walked through, the students parting like the sea before her. Whispers followed in her wake, a mixture of awe and fear at the sight of the Academy's maddest player. As she turned the corner of two intersecting corridors, Yumeko's gaze fell on Kirari, the President, who stood there with an air of quiet authority. Without hesitation, Yumeko approached her, her steps purposeful and determined. Whatever was happening to Y/n, she suspected that Kirari might have something to do with it. Kirari looked up as Yumeko approached, a slight smile playing on her lips, her eyes shining with a hint of amusement.

A game of love behind the cardsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora