VI. Game of desire

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3rd Pov

Yumeko: I am horny.

Y/n: Eh, what did you say?

He wasn't sure if he had heard correctly. Yumeko came even closer. He was sitting in the chair, and Yumeko stood behind him. Her hands sourranded his waist while she approached his ear and whispered softly.

Yumeko: Y/n-kun, I am horny.

He shivered at the thought. Her hands touched him. Thet hands first layen on his waist, then came to his tummy and started to approached the last buttons of his uniform shirt.

Y/n: And what should I do?

Yumeko: I want your help. You are very interesting, and that excites me even more. Your game, your bluffs. You are intriguing.

She started to unbutton his shirt. Slowly removing the last buttons of the uniform shirt.

Yumeko: Y/n-kun, I'm horny. I want your help, please.

Y/n was in a mix of feelings, and none of them was bad. It was more like a pleasant surprise, yet not believing what was going on. He wanted to be sure of what was going on. He held her hands and stopped them before his shirt was entirely unbuttoned.

Y/n: Yumeko-san, tell me exactly what it is and what you want.

Yumeko then withdrew all her touch from him. She took a step back and surrounded his chair. She was left standing in front of him. She took a step closer, and without thinking twice, she shat on his lap, facing him. She walked her fingers around his shirt in a playful way until they went up to his neck and back to his nape. Both of her hands wrapped his neck as she played with the birth of his hair.

Yumeko: Y/n-san. For the first time in a long time, I don't want only pleasure from a gamble. Remember when Jun was about to rape me, and I told him he wasn't my guy type? That's because it's you. I told you, you are interesting, it excites me, you are intriguing, hiding something I dont know. I dont want only gambling risk and pleasure, I want your help this time. I want your touch to help me. I want you, Y/n. Will you help me?

Y/n hands went down to her legs, caressed them all the way up till they rested on the beginning of her waist. He pulled a bit from her. To be closer. At this point, he already knew everything he wanted to know. She wanted him, and he was willing to help her.

Y/n: And how do you want me to do that?

Yumeko started to get closer to him, and her fingers played still with his hair birth. Her waist was getting closer to him. Her breasts were touching his chest.

Yumeko: I don't know. Maybe we just can...

Before she finished that sentence, she started to kiss him. A soft, loving kiss at first. It wasn't wet, not rough. It was soft, sweet. It became greedy as time passed. Her hands on his nape allowed her to push herself closer to him. His hands, on the other hand, pulled Yumeko closer from her waist. Yumeko withdrew her hands from his nape but didn't stop kissing him. She moved her hands back to his shirt, as she was willing to finish what he had stopped before. She finished unbuttoning his shirt and opened each of the sides to rest her hand in his chest. As the greedy kiss went on, she moved her right hand through his chest to his neck and back down again. She wanted to feel all of the skin inches that were now free from the uniform shirt. Y/n's fingers began to dig into Yumeko's back. Gently and lightly pulling up Yumeko's shirt. When the t-shirt and his fingers met Yumeko's arms, she lifted them up, pulled away a little, and waited for Y/n to pull her t-shirt completely off. He grabbed the t shirt and threw it away. Moved his hands to Yumeko's neck and waist and went back to kiss her. This time, the kisses were sloopy, greedy, and wet. Yumeko started to do slow motions with her waist, noticeable enough for Y/n. She withdrew from the kiss and started to go down his neck and left soft kisses on it. Y/n's hands once more went onto Yumeko's back, this time to unfasten her bra. He wanted to be sure she wanted this too, so he couldn't help but ask for permission between the small groans of light pleasure her kisses on his neck were leaving him.

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