Chapter 16: Adios.

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Carol's POV

I stopped when I saw what Ame was doing. She was going to shoot herself for the love she had been keeping. I looked at Caden as my eyes widened at the sight of Gail. He had his gun aimed at Amanda as she closed her eyes, Jason ran to her, but it was too late. She was afraid to shoot herself, but Gail shot her. The moment the bullet left his gun, I snatched the gun my Caden's hand and shot him then and there. He fell on the round in full force. That's what you get when you mess with my best friend.

We all ran towards her as the bullet went through her stomach, and she knocked to the ground as a pool of blood surrounded her.

"Neil, ambulance!" I shouted as I caught Seb from the corner of my eye, laughing at us. I pointed my gun toward him.

"How are you, my friend?" He asked as he pointed the gun at Jason as he talked to me.

"I was never your friend." I spat.

"Why are we still talking?" Caden pointed his gun at him. Jason was busy attending to Amanda, and Neil helped him.

"Your gun leaves a bullet, and you are dead." Caden threatened him.

I saw them take her away when the ambulance reached. "You think I can't?" Seb laughed historically.

"Try me." I ran toward him to kick his ass. He kicked back, I knew he was good at martial arts. We had a good fight, I shielded myself from all his kicks and moves until he was tired. And now it was my turn, I took the nearest metal that I came to reach and hit him hard. He was thrown due to the force, and Caden reached for him.

"Caden, Haha, it's been long, isn't it?" He was just wasting time. I saw Derek making his way toward us from a corner. Seb got up and took a piece of glass and put it on Caden's neck.

"What do you want, Seb?" I tried taking a step ahead but no use, he would slit Caden, it was too harmful.

"My brother back." He said in an angry tone.

"Well, he is dead," Derek said as the force pointed the guns toward Seb. "You do anything to that boy, you will meet your mom and brother up there," He pointed above.

Amanda's POV

I blinked multiple times as the blurriness went away slowly, and I finally saw where I was.

"How do you feel, Moon?" Jason's soothing voice reached my ears.

"It sucks to be alive," I whispered chuckling.

"Missy!" It was from Carol.

"Hey." I smiled at her.

"Why did you do that?" She asked.

"I am sorry, I wasn't thinking straight." I closed my eyes. "What happened to Gail?" I asked her. Carol gestured her hands into a gun and shot in the air blowing the imaginary smoke.

"It doesn't matter." Jason looked so happy.

"You know when I saw your picture for the first time, what did I think of you?" I grinned at him as I ignored the pain in my stomach.

"Tell me." He looked amused.

"Trouble." I bit my lips. "The trouble you are and the trouble you will always be," I confessed. He kissed my forehead as he smiled at me. A tear slipped my eye.


"You won't understand, Jason," Cary said as Caden leaned forward and kissed her, and winked at us. I looked at Jason, who looked at me.

"You look happy." I saw the smile lingering on his lips. He nodded at me, intertwining our hands. I looked at Carol, who smiled widely at me. "Carol, he is happy." I looked back at Jason. "I wanted to see you happy for a long time," I said. "I love you," I whispered to him, but he couldn't hear it.

The room door opened to Lily, Mr. Soren, and Derek. I tried to sit straight. "Take rest," Derek said, and I relaxed.

"How are you doing?" Lily asked as she sat on the chair beside Carol.

"I am better now." I smiled at her.

"Moon, I wanted to ask you something...I want you to live with us at least for a while until you recover?" She asked. I looked at Derek questioningly, he nodded at me.

"I would love to. But..."

"But what?" Mr. Soren asked, so I looked at Carol. He understood what I wanted to say. "Your friend can also live with us." I smiled at him.

"Thank you."


The wish that I had granted had come true. I wanted to be happy for once, to feel complete for once, and I finally was. I was on my first date with Jason. In the same coffee shop, he insisted we go to a restaurant, but I declined.

"Jason, promise me something?" I asked as I finished my Caffe Latte. He smiled at me as he nodded.

It's been two weeks since I moved to Blake's. Jason confessed his feelings on the first day I moved there. We decided to move out to another place after a while. I talked with Derek about my transfer, and he said he canceled it because he couldn't stand me leaving the agency. Instead, he sent Julie there. It's a win-win!

"You will only love me until you would want to, willingly." I looked at our intertwined hands and smiled.

"I plan on loving you for my whole life." He leaned forward and kissed me, and I kissed him back.

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