Chapter 14: I love her.

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Gail's POV

I watched her sleep every night since we arrived here, and right now, I am doing the same. It's one of the best parts of coming here. She looks so peaceful and calm, making me love her more. It's her smile, her brown eyes, and the way she styles, how she admires herself in front of the mirror, oh I love it. I moved a little back as she made herself comfortable with the pillow she was holding. I carefully removed the hair from her face, but she opened her eyes at once.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" She sat up as she covered herself.

"I, um, Jason was snorting." I lied.

She put a hand on her heart, calming herself. "But that doesn't explain why are you here?" She gestured to our positions.



"Yeah, Amanda, I wanted to talk to you about something." She nodded to me to go on. "I like you, and I want you to like me back, and we become something more..." She shook her head as she looked around the place, her hand on her forehead as if she were thinking.

"Look, Gail, I don't like you the way you want me to.. it won't happen, ever." She gave me a stern look. I took a deep breath as adrenaline rushed through my veins.

"Is it because of Jason?" I asked, my voice sounded foreign to me.

She closed her eyes, calming herself, and nodded. "Maybe, maybe not."

"Tell me the truth!" She nodded, looking horrified. I advanced towards her.

"What are you doing, Gail?" My hands traveled to her neck.

"You are only mine, not Jason's." I choked her neck.

"L-leave me." She breathed in the air. "Or I will have to harm you."

I wanted her, I needed her, and here she wanted Jason when I was in front of her. I can give her more love than Jason, and she still wants him? Why? I released her as I realized what I was doing. I should have taken my pills.

"I am so sorry, El-Amanda." I got up from her bed and took a few steps back, hands in surrender. "I am sorry." She looked at me disbelievingly, and I felt my heart burn to see her like that. I made her feel miserable, and now she won't even talk to me. She must hate me. What did I do?

"Go away." She looked away from me.

"Amanda..." I walked toward her but she put a hand in front of me to stop, and I did, I had to. If she would have told me to go and die in the ocean, I would have. That is how much I loved her. I don't want to hurt her, but I somehow tend to do.

"Go away!" She looked at me angrily.

I did as she told me, I walked back to my room to see Jason looking at me, confused. I would have killed him but Amanda loved him and if I killed him she would never speak to me and I wouldn't like that. Not because of him.

"Where were you?"

"I went down to drink some water." I shrugged as I slept on my side of the bed.

After what felt like an hour, he climbed out as I pretended to sleep and stepped out of the room. I waited for him to come back, but he didn't so, I wandered out, and I heard a muffled sound from Amanda's room as I peeked inside to see both of them cuddling. Anger rushed through me as I turned back and walked to my room.

If she isn't mine, she is not his either.

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