Chapter 5: Smoke and Feelings.

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Amanda's POV

"They were Shadow Hunters." My eyes widened as the name rolled Derek's tongue, getting up from his seat. "What were you guys doing?" He yelled, slamming on the table.

"We did our best commander, and the target wasn't even touched." I debated when a thought struck my brain. "Neil, do you remember the guy on the cell?" I asked him as Carol bent towards us.

"I feel there are Shadowhunter's men inside the school." He nodded.

"Exactly." I looked at Derek. "They are informing about his every action and location!" I relaxed back on the chair.

"I will allow you to take your weapons in school, but you have to be careful no one suspects you," Derek said. "I will talk with the school administration."

"Derek, what does the target mean to you?" He looked surprised by my sudden question but maintained his posture.

"It's a long story." He avoided our eyes. "For another time." I nodded at him. I knew that he knew that I wouldn't let him slip the topic. We exited the room.

"Hey, kids." I looked up at Sara, Derek's wife.

"How are you, Sara?" Carol asked as we hugged her.

"I am fit and fine, what are you guys up to? It's been so long!" She said sweetly.

"We are on a mission, wish us good luck," I said.

"My wishes are always with you." She pulled our cheeks softly.


Jason's POV

I was sitting at my secret place, and very few knew about it, including Ceci. I leaned back on the wall as I gathered my thoughts. A cough interrupted my peace. I turned around to look at Caden, but there was no one.

I got up and looked around the place to find Moon standing at the railing. A faint smell of smoke, a cigarette precisely traveled the air. I looked around the place we were alone. "Moon?" She looked at me, confused.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. I thought she would be surprised to see me.

"Nothing, you smoke?" I asked, as she looked at her cigarette in hand and chuckled.

"Girls weren't supposed to?"

"It's not like that, I didn't think you would smoke," I said honestly.

"I don't, but there's always the first time for everything." She shrugged, looking ahead. "You want to?" She offered me her cigarette.

I shook my head in no. "You don't have to worry it doesn't have lipstick stain on it if you were thinking." She laughed, making me smile.

"No, I don't smoke nor drink."

She looked at me questioningly but shrugged it away. "Do you know..." She trailed, looking ahead at the sky.

"Know what?"

"Nothing." She reached towards me, patting my shoulder, but I caught her arm.

"What?" I asked.

She laughed it away, taking her hand back. "I think this cigarette has something in it, I feel high. Talking nonsense." Her smile fades away. "Would you promise me something?" I nodded at her. "Stay away from her."

She threw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it with her boots. "Let's go we have a bunch of classes to attend, and you don't want the principal to call you into his cabin, do you?" She walked away with her hands stuffed in her pockets.

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